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I was waiting for Roman to come back home. He told me that he was leaving his workplace later than expected since tonight was a full moon. Only I know this, but Roman is actually a werewolf. Every month, Roman needs to signal to the rest of the werewolves that he's alive. I don't come with him when this happens but Roman is very capable to fend for himself

It was a few minutes past midnight, I heard Roman's howl all the way from our house when he did it. Suddenly the news was on the TV

Breaking News, an abnormal creature spotted at Wolf Paw National Park. It has white fur with markings of a heart with a V inside on their chest, a sword on their right arm, and some sort of emblem on the top of their left arm. The creature seems to be easily provoked when attacked and dangerous to the public

I quickly turn off the TV and get ready to go outside. Roman is in serious danger. Once ready, I race over to my bike since I don't know how to drive Roman's motorcycle and sped off the National Park where Roman howls every month

I arrived, seeing a crowd of people surrounding Roman. They were shouting and throwing things at him. Police officers were trying to hold Roman down with ropes and handcuffs. Roman evaded all the attacks against him, but ended up hurting people who were trying to hurt him back. I also saw that his Forest Green Eyes were looking wildly all around him, noticing that I wasn't in the crowd yet

Roman eventually spotted me so he tried to run past the crowd over to me but people blocked his way. He then tried going around them but cars also stopped his path. Roman as a werewolf was tall but not so much towering over everyone so people then tried to climb on top of him

Taking a risk, I managed to find an empty space in the crowd. After a few minutes, I broke from the mob and slowly approached Roman from behind. Roman heard my footsteps due to his enhanced hearing when being a werewolf and turned around quickly, ready to strike me. Roman then saw me so he immediately put down his walls

Roman picked me up and hugged me very tight, I consoled him as I hugged him back. During the hug, Roman took us over to a secluded spot in the National Park so that we can be alone. Roman sat down on a fallen log, still keeping me very close and tight

I continued to console Roman, wiping away stray tears falling down from his eyes and ran my fingers through his white fur. Eventually, Roman calmed down and returned to his human form. I saw that his prized leather jacket given to him from his pack was a bit ripped, probably caused from the people who attacked him earlier

Roman noticed that his jacket was ripped, he started to get angry again and began to walk off.  I quickly put a stop to that by hugging him and telling him that I can fix his jacket. Roman turned around and squeezed my hand, I squeezed it back and kissed his cheek. Roman blushed from my kiss, making me giggle and hug him. Roman smiled and hugged me back, picking me up bridal style

Roman brought us over to my bike and sat me down at it since only one person can ride on my bike unlike Roman's motorcycle. We leave the national park, going back home

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