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Roman looks down at his hand, staring at 2 rings on his right ring finger. One is gold with rose and vine engravings. The other is silver with an Amethyst in the middle and 2 Rubies on either side. Both rings had a set of initials and Te Amo engraved on it as well. Roman ran his fingers through his greasy and not perfect hair, he really needed to take a shower, then laid back against the bed and stared up at the ceiling. He watched the fan spin round and round absentmindedly as he stared into space

A slight push and squeak to the door of Roman's room caught his attention. More so was the person who opened it in the first place, Roman's son Remy. The 12 year old boy has a knack for reading people's expressions despite that his eyes are hidden from a pair of sunglasses, specifically a pair that Roman accidentally broke. The left frame hinge connecting the rim and temple has been duct taped together after scotch tape repeatedly failed multiple times

Dad? Can I come in?

Roman nods, sitting back up and tried to fix his hair while Remy was going over to the bed. Remy sat down next to Roman

You miss him, right?

Roman nods, trying his best to not tear up in front of Remy. He continued to look at the rings on his finger. Remy took his fathers hand and looked at the 2 rings as well, seeing the sets of initials on them. Remy's eyes shifted to now look at Roman, seeing the beginnings of tears in his fathers forest green eyes. Remy then noticed the current state of his dad, seeing that his hair was greasy and not styled perfectly, that Roman wore the same clothes as yesterday and the day before that, Roman's eyes were also tired and starting to become red from crying, among other things

Remy immediately stood, helping Roman up from the bed, and dragged his father towards the bathroom

Remy, I showered yesterday. I don't need to take one. I'm fine and don't need help

Your hairs greasy and not perfect, you're also wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Plus your eyes are starting to become red. Please take a shower now or else you can't read me a bedtime story tonight

Bedtime story? I thought you said that you outgrew them?

Can't I still keep my childhood, Dad? I would like a bedtime story tonight. Come on, get in the shower

Remy closed the bathroom door, leaving his dad to take a shower by himself. After a few minutes, Roman stepped out and felt clean for the first time in a while. He saw that Remy put a hairbrush on the counter for his hair, starting to brush it and style it back into a familiar perfect shape again. Roman found a new set of clothes folded on top of the sink counter as well, starting to get dressed in them after wearing the same clothes for a while. He stepped out of the bathroom, seeing Remy sit on his bed and casually sipping a mug of coffee

I've arranged things for you, check your back pocket

Roman listened, seeing an address written in black sharpie on an index card. Roman slowly walked over to the front door of his apartment and stepped outside into the hallway after a while. He left the building and took a bus to the address, not wanting to drive his car after an incident. He eventually stopped in front of a moderately sized house

Roman reluctantly walked up to the door and knocked, being met with a very familiar face. He has brown hair that was slightly greying covered by a bowler hat, a yellow cardigan over a white shirt that says treehugger in black letters, yellow dishwashing gloves, black fluffy pants, and yellow slippers. On the right side of his face was a yellow eye and a snake scale tattoo



Janus stared at Roman for a few seconds then immediately hugged him, catching Roman very off guard. Janus stopped the hug after some more seconds, taking Roman inside.

How have you been? It's been what, 2 months since we haven't seen each other

Sorry for not calling you, Remy's been joking that I'm now a shut in lately. He helped me to get a hold onto myself today, and he apparently arranged things. He wrote down your address and stuffed it in my back pocket

Roman took out the index card, showing it to Janus. Janus nods, bringing Roman outside to the backyard. There is a large willow tree dead center in the backyard, with a small vase sitting near the trunk. The vase was purple and had silver letters on them. Roman hesitated at first, seeing the vase, then was encouraged by Janus to approach it. Roman picked it up, tracing the letters on the vase. Janus walked towards Roman, rubbing his back

I miss him too, he was the most wonderful person to the both of us. You can always stop by if you need to talk to me about him, alright?

Roman nods, hugging Janus again. He looked up at the sky, swearing that he could see someone wave at him in the clouds. Roman genuinely smiled at the person for the first time in a while

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