-The Gladiator Gauntlet-

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Todays the day. The day I get to prove my worth. The day I get to finally rise above the other gladiators

This fight is very special. The winner of the gauntlet is given the hand of noted beauty, Virgil Maro, son of the emperor. If I win, then I'll be with my love and earn my freedom. Alas, I'm not of high status in Rome. Currently, I am enslaved by a man named Janus

Any free time I get, I've been meeting with a senator Logan who's given me the opportunity to train like a gladiator. It has been worth it, with the amount of training under Logan's tutoring I have the skills and strength required to compete

Before I was enslaved, I lived in Hispania. After the Romans seized the area I lived in, I met Virgil as he was going to the marketplace that morning as I was being taken to Janus. Before training with Logan, I used any free time I had to meet with Virgil. We have fallen in love, so I fear that he will get forced to marry somebody else if I lose the gauntlet

After taking a few minutes to warm up, I was ready to fight. I was being lead over to the colosseum, then walked out onto the dirt floor. The sun blazed down on the limestone building, making it a bit hard to see Virgil. But eventually my Forest Green Eyes caught the box reserved for the emperor and his family. There, wearing a pretty purple stola, was Virgil

I was forced to snap out of the gaze directed for my love when my opponent came out to face me. A man, equal to my build, towered over me. His armor was splattered with blood while mine was clean. A trident was in his hand, stained with fresh blood. I tried to put on a confident smile so that my opponent doesn't think he can win easily

The emperor announced the rules to the crowd, then let us begin the fight. My opponent immediately lunged the trident towards me, but I quickly dodged it. He did this a few more times, me dodging each and every lunge. I then took out my sword and began attacking my opponent

My sword banged against the trident, eventually the trident was weak enough to be snapped in half after enough bangs. My opponent dropped to his knees, dramatically crying that his trident was broken. He then got angry and ran towards me, I quickly out ran him

My opponent then began to use brute force to defeat me, but I blocked and avoided every attempt. I then pointed my sword at him, inching the tip towards his neck. My opponent held up his hands in surrender, now scared of me. The crowd cheered for my first victory

I looked at the emperors box, seeing Virgil happy that I won. I smiled, very proud of myself. Because of my victory, I earned a spot in a bracket system for the win. Every time I fought, I was one step closer to have Virgil's hand and earn my freedom

On the day of my fight against the winner who also bested every opponent on his side of the bracket, I was about to leave the house when I got stopped by Janus

Roman, did I tell you to leave my house?

No, but I noticed that you're out of wine so I'm going to get some from the marketplace

I already have my wine stocked up, Roman. Stay here

I reluctantly nod, closing the door to Janus's house

And besides, I know that you won't go to the marketplace if I let you leave. You'd be at the colosseum, fighting to win the hand of the emperor's son

How did you know that?

Oh, haven't I told you? I sent people to see what you have been up to during your free time, they reported back to me that you've been off risking your life for the sake of love

Risking my life? I haven't killed all my opponents and I am smart enough to avoid all the attacks they have been giving me. Tonight is the final tournament to decide who wins Virgil's hand, I have to go!

Fine, I'll let you go. But, if you lose, then you shall remain in my employ. I have ideas for harsher punishment if you don't obey my command

I thank Janus for letting me go, then I race over to the colosseum. I quickly get ready and step onto the dirt floor, seeing my opponent admiring himself in his shield's reflection. The emperor announces for us to begin the fight

We fight for what it seemed like hours, we both gradually got nicked and scarred as the fight went on. Blood seeped into anyplace it could find on my clothes. But after a lengthy battle, I come out victorious

People come out and clean myself up, wrapping all the nicks with cloth. Then Virgil emerged, holding a fancy purple pillow containing a laurel wreath

Roman, for your bravery and courage displayed on this battlefield. You have earned the right to wear this laurel wreath and to have my hand

I smile wide at my love, bending on one knee and Virgil placed the laurel wreath on my hair. I stand up, stabbing my sword into the ground, then picked up Virgil by the waist. I smiled wide again as I spun my love around, Virgil giggles and smiled back at me. I placed my love back on his feet, Virgil then pulled me close and kissed me. I happily kissed him back as the crowd cheered

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