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There is a large Hawthorn tree standing out in a clearing deep in the woods. People have tried to find the tree but all weren't successful. Why have they ventured? So that they can catch a fairy. Fairies have been living in that Hawthorn Tree for millennia, but they can't be spotted. People have been desperate to especially catch the Royal Fairies, but they don't know that they'll break up a strong bond between the rulers of this population of Fairies

Roman Rosewood, the current king of this population of fairies, was only a prince when he met the love of his life. He met a lonely fairy with the most beautiful wings he has ever seen, no other fairy here had them. That fairy is named Virgil Lavender and he has gorgeous purple Butterfly Wings, unlike everyone else who had the classic fairy wing shape

From that first meeting, Roman was deeply in love and never stopped thinking about Virgil. He immediately thought of plans to continue meeting with Virgil, using flower fields and mushroom circles as their primary spots but stayed inside the tree if it was raining outside

Roman's parents, unaware of their son meeting with someone outside of the Royal Society, arranged for Roman to visit other fairy trees in the hopes that their kingdoms would join together. Not wanting to leave Virgil, Roman asked if the other kingdoms come to visit the tree instead. Roman's parents agreed, Roman flew off to one of the meeting places to tell Virgil the news and a plan that he was thinking about

Roman flew off to a flower field, seeing Virgil waiting for him by sitting on a purple flower. Roman landed and sat next to Virgil

Hey Ro, you're late

Sorry, had to do stuff first. My parents arranged for me to visit other trees so that ours and some other kingdom could be united or whatever, but I suggested that they come to us so that I'm not leaving you alone for some time. Because of the whole uniting kingdom situation, I'm like 99% sure that my parents want me to get married, but I want to call you my husband

What are you saying?

We can get eloped in a secret ceremony. It could just be us and someone who would officiate and do the legal things

How would we pull it off?

We can arrange it to be on a certain day, either very early or late at night. Just not during the day because my Royal duties and everything will be blocking our chances of meeting. We can get married in any place we want, the only things that we're going to have to bring is ourselves in fancy clothes and a fairy who can officiate

I can bring the officiant, my brother Janus just came back from fairy-law school so he would know the ins and outs of officiating an elopement. You also forgot about the rings, or do we not need them if we want to hide the marriage?

My brother Remus can make us rings for the ceremony. We could wear them when we are instructed to put them on, kiss, then return them to my brother until I become of age to have the throne. Or we can wear them around our necks until I have the throne. I have a few weeks until I turn 18, which means that I'll be able to have the throne soon

We can get married on your birthday if you're going to have the throne soon, that makes the most sense to me

That sounds like a perfect idea, maybe at June 3rd at night and we kiss at midnight which officially starts my birthday?

That's a better plan. But what if your parents don't abdicate their thrones on your birthday? Will you get the throne when they pass away? But don't even think about recruiting your own brother to murder your parents just so that we can take the throne, your reputation and status is on the line if you plan that, Ro

They'll abdicate, Butterfly. My father got the throne from my grandparents when he was 18, and so on and so on all the way back when my family's first ancestors settled here. There's nothing to fear, my Love, I promise

Virgil nods, now convinced that Roman will have the throne in a few weeks time. Roman smiled, kissing Virgil's forehead

The night of the elopement came quickly, both Roman and Virgil along with Remus and Janus successfully flew over to the location without getting caught. Roman waited for Virgil at a makeshift altar created by a patch of mushrooms. Remus walked down the aisle first by dramatically and comedically throwing flower petals as he twirled around like a ballet dancer, albeit he was a ballerina with 0 coordination and spatial awareness

Remus joined his brother at the altar, then Janus and Virgil arrived. Janus was walking Virgil down since their parental figure wasn't invited to the elopement. Janus held onto the book that he was reading off of in his yellow gloved hand as he walked Virgil down the aisle. Roman's face lit up when he saw Virgil, smiling for the entire time

Janus began the traditional wedding speech, giving space for Roman and Virgil to exchange their vows along with Remus giving them their rings. When it was one minute to midnight, Janus finished up everything then said that Roman and Virgil can kiss

Roman and Virgil kissed, with Virgil being dipped slightly by Roman but was standing straight after the kiss. Janus and Remus clapped for their brothers and congratulated them. Roman and Virgil smiled at each other and flew back to the tree, going their separate ways until it was morning

The entire kingdom celebrated Romans birthday, including Virgil who snuck himself into the castle. Roman's parents clinked onto their glasses with forks in the castle ballroom, making the crowd settle and pay attention to them. Roman's parents pointed to the door to the ballroom and out stepped a fairy wearing the most gaudiest dress that Roman has ever seen

Much to Romans horror, his parents announced that he needs a queen to rule alongside him when he gets crowned later today so Roman's parents arranged for Roman and the fairy wearing the gaudy dress to be married despite the fact that Roman is already married to Virgil

Mother, Father, I'm already married

|Roman's Father|
You found a girl already? But this one is from a neighboring kingdom!

|Roman's Mother|
There was an agreement that our kingdom and another one would be united!

I know, but I'm going to be king soon. I will choose my own destiny for once in my sheltered life! For starters, I am married to the love of my life who rightfully deserves to rule alongside me instead of some fairy that I don't know or even met before. Secondly, kingdoms can be united through alliances and friendship instead of just by marriage

|Roman's Father|
Well then, if you're so committed to this love of your life then bring her up here so that this kingdom can see their future rulers


Roman spots Virgil in the crowd, flying over to him. Virgil, now feeling anxious, was scared to go up in front of practically the entire kingdom. Roman reassured him that he'll be up there for a few seconds, only so that he can introduce himself. Roman added that if Virgil is feeling very anxious, then he can imagine that the audience is full of Romans. During all this, Roman led Virgil through breathing exercises until Virgil felt comfortable. Virgil's breathing evened out after a few minutes then held onto Romans hand as they flew over to the front

Everyone, this is Virgil, my Butterfly and your future ruler alongside me

The crowd smiled and clapped for the couple when they saw Roman and Virgil together. In the background, Royal Advisor Logan gives Remus a handful of small shiny objects as payment for a bet that they wagered about Roman and Virgil's marriage. Seeing the crowd being swayed by their son, his parents gave up and flew out of the castle with the fairy in the gaudy dress

Roman and Virgil led everyone to the throne room where the crowning ceremony would take place. Roman's red and gold rose crown and Virgil's purple and white butterfly crown was placed on their heads, symbolizing their new ranks as the rulers of this Hawthorn Tree

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