-Kicked Out-

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Midnight, October 6th. A frantic knock abruptly woke Roman, he tiredly trudged down the stairs and opened the door, seeing his boyfriend Virgil with his backpack and 2 duffel bags that looked to be very full. Roman immediately knew what happened to Virgil, bringing him inside and hugged him tight

Virgil cried in Roman's chest, hugging Roman back equally as tight. The couple stayed like that for a few minutes as Virgil cried, eventually being reduced to small sobs as Roman gently rubbed his back

Ro, they-

I know, Butterfly. You're always welcome to live here instead, Dad always appreciates when you come over. We can both sleep in my room and I can get you things like more clothes or any trinkets from your old room to add what you like to the space. It's okay, you're safe here

Virgil sniffles, eventually looking at Roman with red and puffy eyes from crying. Roman brought him to the kitchen, getting his boyfriend a glass of water and tissues. Virgil drank the water and dried his tears, hugging Roman again

Roman gave Virgil many kisses as they hugged, Roman picked up Virgil bridal style and carried him to his room. Roman then briefly left to retrieve Virgil's bags, he returned soon afterwards and placed them on the floor. Virgil got changed for bed in the room while Roman waited outside since he didn't need to get changed due to previously being asleep when Virgil knocked on the door

Virgil laid in Romans bed when Roman came back, practically falling asleep. Roman smiled brightly, joining Virgil in bed. The couple cuddled, with Virgil's head laying on Romans heart and Roman gently running his fingers through Virgil's hair

Virgil fell asleep shortly afterwards. Roman smiled when he saw his boyfriend be calm after what happened earlier, he continued to run his fingers through Virgil's hair

You're safe now, Butterfly, I promise. I love you so much

Roman whispered before falling asleep as well

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