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Roman was hanging out on in the living room when he saw an 8 legged creature crawl out from under the couch, it was a spider. Naturally, Roman dramatically freaked out and sprinted upstairs to the bedroom where Virgil was taking a nap

V! V! V! V!

Being rudely interrupted, Virgil woke up to see his husband freaking out

What is it, Ro? You interrupted my nap

A creature the size of my hand crawled from under the couch!

Virgil took Roman by the hand, yawning as he went downstairs. Virgil saw the spider and gently picked it up, going to a window and letting the spider crawl off into the outside world

Happy now, Ro?

Thank you, Butterfly

Can I go back to my nap now? I would appreciate cuddles

Of course, anything to help you get back to your nap

Roman picked up Virgil bridal style, carrying him back upstairs. Virgil got laid down in bed, then Roman joined and wrapped his arms around his husband. Virgil tiredly smiled, kissing Roman's cheek then went back to his nap

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