-Operation Purple-

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Virgil Maro. The boy who I instantly fell for when I was asked to show him around school before the first day. His locker is down the hallway from my own but it's a good place for me to stare at him from afar. My musings and admiration for him then stopped as an abrupt sound caught my attention instead

It was the sound of a locker suddenly opening next to mine and an extremely foul stench filled my nose, there was strong hints of garbage and sewage which immediately caught me off guard

Hots for the Emo, huh?

Jesus Christ! Warn a dude next time when you randomly show up from hiding like a creep in your own locker!

Not my fault I'm locker sized, Broman! Anywho, looks like I finally found who you've been having serious wet dreams about

Gross! For the record, I've only been having actual dreams about Virgil instead of anything your mind somehow comes up with

Speaking of him, I heard a little birdie say something about your big crush going to the game today. Maybe he wants to come watch you crush the skulls of the Comets tonight or see you all sweaty in your uniform from running around the field

Or maybe he's coming because he wants to. Either way, with him being there it'll get my motivation up really high

My twin brother, my own flesh and blood, could be getting a boyfriend, I'm so proud!

Thanks...? Shouldn't you being digging a hole behind school to bury bodies or something, it's almost 2 and I have class

Why would I do that when I can be your very own designated wingman! Besides, you have that 2pm class shared with Virgil and I don't want to miss any second of this

Fine, just don't do anything weird


Remus licks and spits on his hand, extending it out to me. I put on hand sanitizer then we shake hands

Congratulations, we have made a sacred twin oath with the intention of you wanting to achieve the goal of getting into Virgil's pants! If one of us breaks it, then the other shall execute the betrayer and give him a Viking funeral! If that's not legal then the betrayer loses his Halloween Candy this year and must relinquish it to the loyal brother

You're saying the contractual obligations of our oath now?! As long as you're going to help me, then I guess I'll have to accept it

Alrighty, operation purple is a go!

When did you decide for my quest of getting with Virgil to be a spy mission instead?!

Just now, onwards to class!

Remus dragged me to class, I immediately blushed when I saw Virgil sitting at his typical seat. I began to get a bit nervous, scratch that, very nervous when I saw Virgil. Remus instantly helped me into "charmer mode" by fixing my hair, cleaning my sweaty hands, spritzing me entirely with cologne, and spraying my mouth with breath spray. Remus may or may not have kept the washcloth used to clean my sweaty hands as he took me over to Virgil's table where no one else sat with him

Virgil was focused on something else entirely then the atmosphere of the room, his hand was deeply concentrated on a sketch as I could hear faint guitar riffs and epic bass lines coming from Virgil's pair of headphones. I pulled out a chair that was across from Virgil, making a squeaking noise as it dragged along the floor. I sat down and pushed myself in, Remus sat at the nearest table by my seat so that he could see how operation purple would play out

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