-A Gang Leader's Date-

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Sorry for the hiatus between this chapter and the previous one, The Author has been very busy with writing 2 essays for 2 different classes of theirs lately. They apologize for the lack of chapter writing/posting recently

A $1000 bounty is on my head. Rival gangsters want me dead, but I have been avoiding their attacks. I was given poisoned food, shot at, and almost kidnapped, just to name a few

Me and my gang perform our duties at night, breaking into stores and robbing them mostly. That's where I get all the precious things for my Love. He knows about what I do, but chooses to not participate. I am seen with him in the daylight and don't commit crimes, much to the chagrin of my rivals

From intel by the double agent in my gang, I learned that the rivals are trying to figure out how to get me dead. They have been working on that plan for 4 months, but still have no idea how to execute it

I think about the plan but try to keep my mind off of it by looking at my Love, his head resting against my heart which has a butterfly tattoo. My left arm, which has a sword and rose tattoo on it, holds onto my Love while my right arm, which has my gangs emblem on it, runs fingers through my Loves hair gently. Sunlight streams through a window and lands on my Loves face perfectly, making him look angelic almost

Getting the scent of my Loves lavender perfume (which I stole lots of bottles of), my mind still thinks about our life and relationship together. I smile wide and gently kiss the top of my Loves head so that he can wake up. After a few minutes, my Love wakes up and saw my smile. I am only vulnerable when with my Love, putting down my criminal side in favor of my romantic and protective side. When we first got together, I vowed to protect my Love from harms way even if that meant I sacrifice my life to keep him safe

That promise remains true today, since he is shielded away from my other life of crime. Me and my Love sit up in our bed, with my head against the headboard and my Love on my lap. He hugs me so I hold him close. I feel my Loves fingers trace my butterfly tattoo on my heart as he hugs me, I smile at him when he does that which makes him smile back at me

I kiss my Loves forehead, then ask if he was hungry. He nods then stands up, helping me up from our bed. I pick him up bridal style then walk us downstairs, starting to make him breakfast after setting him down at the dining table. I return shortly to the table, eating breakfast with my Love. After eating, I ask what did he want to do today

Go out on a date? There's a pretty flower field in a clearing in the woods. You have been stressed recently from what you and your friends are doing lately so I figured that you would want to spend time with me to destress and relax

That's a wonderful idea, Butterfly. I can call my friends and tell them your plan so that we can spend the day together

My Love nods, kissing my cheek and stands up so that he can clear our plates. I stand up and do it for him, then call my gang and tell them that they're free for the evening because of my date. They playfully tease me about it and I tell them off but they are happy for me, also knowing that I've been stressed because of what we do. They tell me about more plans that our rivals are thinking of, then I end the call

I begin to pack things so that I can bring it with me for the date, like food to go in a picnic basket, a blanket, some lanterns if it gets dark, and 2 umbrellas if it rains. I finished that up then get dressed so that I'm not wearing my pajamas during the date.

I put on my signature leather jacket, a red shirt, ripped jeans, and red shoes. I wait for my Love to finish getting ready once I'm done. After a few minutes, I see my Love in white overalls, a lavender shirt, lavender shoes, and a choker with a lavender butterfly charm on it. His nails were also painted lavender

I immediately blush when seeing my Love, which makes him giggle and hug me. I smile and hug him back, telling him that he looks nice. My Love smiled back at me, saying that I looked handsome. I smile more and kiss the back of my Love's hand then lead us to the car. The driver opens the door for us, me and my Love go inside and get driven to the location of our date

We get out of the car, I take my Love over to a good spot in the clearing then set up what I brought. I sit down and gently place my Love in my lap after he sat down, hugging him from behind as we ate the food provided and talked. A buzzing noise came from my phone so I briefly left the spot and answered the call.

It was from a member of my gang, telling me that they figured out our rivals plans and stopped them from carrying it out. Turns out, they were planning to do bad things to my Love if I wasn't going to surrender to them. I thank them for telling me the news then return to my date. My Love smiled at me when I come back

I smiled at my Love and continued the conversations we had before my call. I noticed that my Love was getting tired once it was beginning to get dark so I quickly pack up then pick up my Love bridal style, bringing us and the things to the car. The driver drops us back home soon after. I take me and my Love to our room and lay him down on our bed after helping him get changed into his pajamas. I get dressed too then laid down next to my Love and bring him close

My Love immediately falls back asleep in my arms, I smile and gently run my fingers through his hair before falling asleep as well

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