-A Grocery Incident-

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Virgil returned from getting groceries to see Roman taking a nap on the couch. Virgil assumed that Roman was working out before hand since he was wearing a pair of red athletic shorts. Virgil smiled and put the groceries away, sitting on the coffee table while waiting for Roman to wake up after taking a picture of his boyfriend

Eventually, Roman woke up to see Virgil sitting on the coffee table

Hey Ro. I got groceries finally so that we don't starve

Hey Butterfly. That's good, I can finally have something to eat instead of burning dinner

Virgil giggles, remembering all the times when Roman set off the fire alarm while trying to cook dinner

Were you okay at the grocery store by yourself?

Virgil had a bad interaction at the grocery store but tried to shove it down, saying that he's fine

Yep. Everything was good. Totally

You sure? You can always tell me if something happened while you were getting groceries

Virgil took a deep breath then talked

As I was putting items on the conveyor belt thing, the cashier asked if I was buying your rose and cherry perfume for my girlfriend. I said that I have a boyfriend, you, and that the perfume is for you. The cashier flipped out and yelled at me since I'm gay

Why didn't you call me?

My phone died. Anyway, eventually the cashiers manager helped sort things out and now we have discounts to that store

Well, that's convenient. I'm guessing you want me to come along to get groceries for us again, right?

Virgil nods, typically both him and Roman would get groceries together but one of them will if the other isn't back from work or in this case, working out then taking a nap

Roman hugs Virgil so that he can feel better. Virgil smiles, hugging Roman back and kissed his cheek

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