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Are you sure that he's real?

Yes! I'm not lying to you when I told you both that I have a boyfriend and he's coming to our show tonight

I'll believe it when I see it, Broman. A phone boyfriend doesn't count

Remus and Janus laughed to themselves as they helped Roman set up for their practice session. The twins and Janus started a punk rock type band together about a year ago, practicing and writing songs in the twins basement. They're not famous famous but they have released an EPs and a bunch of singles. Roman is the lead singer and main guitarist, Janus provides the bass and Remus is on the drums

Their band plays shows at any local venue or anywhere they can be available. They also went on tour across their home state of Florida, which is how Roman met Virgil, his boyfriend. Virgil worked at a small restaurant near the venue the band was playing that night, Roman Janus and Remus all ate there before they played that show

Virgil took orders for their table, making conversation with them. Roman Janus and Remus found out about Virgil's favorite music being punk rock, Emo, pop punk, and other genres like that

Roman instantly fell for Virgil, managing to get his number before he left for the venue. The two have communicated long enough for Roman to ask Virgil to be his boyfriend, which Virgil accepted. However as stated before in the dialogue, Janus and Remus doesn't think that Virgil exists. The band lives in Orlando while Virgil lives in Miami which is a 3 and a half hour drive apart

Roman has insisted many times that Virgil exists, wanting to prove it to his brother and friend by asking Virgil if he can come to their next show. Thankfully, Virgil accepted much to Roman's relief

Virgil has also contributed to the band, creating designs for the bands "uniform" to wear for shows which are black leather jackets. He also did cover art for the bands EP/singles and designed the graphics for t-shirts that the band sells during their shows

In secret, Roman has been writing a song about Virgil which completely deviates from the bands typical punk genre. The song for Virgil is more slower and romantic, yet has punk influences due to it being inspired by Paramores Still Into You which is one of Virgil's favorite bands and songs

Roman plans to perform it at the upcoming show, not telling Janus and Remus about it. He titled it Butterfly, named for the butterfly in the stomach feeling Roman experienced when he instantly fell for Virgil and the nickname that Roman calls Virgil

The day before the show, Roman was out picking up an amp for Janus's bass so he wasn't at home. Remus went to Roman's room to borrow something when he found the song that Roman wrote about Virgil. Just as Remus was about to text Roman about it, Roman returned home

JJ has an amp now, don't wor- What are you doing?

What are you doing? You wrote a song without talking to me or Janus! Are you going to go solo on us after everything we've worked for?

I'm not going solo, I just wanted to write a song about Virgil, who exists, and play it tomorrow. I was planning on keeping it a surprise but I guess that's now thrown out the window

It actually seems like a good song, even though it goes against our traditional sound. It could work to break up our monotony of our classic punk rock sounding singles. Let's pitch it to JJ and see what he thinks, come on, he's finally going to get a good use out of that new amp for his bass if he agrees on letting you include your song in our set

The twins go down to the basement, hearing Janus mess around with bass lines so that he knows how to use this new amp Roman picked up for him. Roman pitched his song about Virgil to Janus, who agreed on including it within the lineup of songs for the show. The band learned how to play it, spending a good chunk of time practicing the song

The band eventually was prepared to play their set and Roman's song for the show. They arrived to the venue early for soundcheck and a feel on the acoustics along with setting up the instruments. Once done, the audience began to show up

The band got out on stage and started playing their songs, Roman saw Virgil within the crowd. Roman smiled when his eyes looked at his boyfriend, the audience assumed that Roman was smiling at all of them so they cheered. Some songs later, Roman introduced the final song of the night which was his own

The final song of tonight is one I actually wrote by myself without the help of Remus and Janus. It's less punk, but it's akin to Still Into You by Paramore. Unfortunately, there won't be headbanging but I promise that you'll enjoy it, especially one member of the audience out there. This song is called Butterfly

The band beautifully played Roman's song, garnering a standing ovation from the audience afterwards. Roman, Janus, and Remus left the stage after taking a bow, heading to the green room. Roman soon received a text from Virgil, saying that he's almost there to the green room

Roman told his brother and friend that Virgil's coming to meet them, then a knock was heard on the green room door. Roman answered it, seeing his boyfriend so he immediately smiled brightly at him

Hey, Butterfly. How was the show?

Hi, Ro. It was good, I liked the song at the end

Thank you, do you want to meet my bandmates?

Sure, that's fine with me

Roman nods, his hand intertwining with Virgils own as he brings his boyfriend to meet Janus and Remus

Ah, so Lover Boys's boyfriend does exist. Who would have thought? I'm Janus, by the way


Names Remus. Turns out that my brother was in fact telling the truth about your existence. We're both invited to the wedding, no take backs!

Wait, you two thought I wasn't real?

You live 3 and a half hours away from Orlando

Fair, but at least Roman didn't make up that I was from Canada or something

Thank god I told them you're from Miami, but I'm so happy to see you regardless of the distance between cities

Me too, thanks for inviting me to come see you. Maybe I should move out here so that we aren't separated by a 3 and a half hour drive

I would love that, we can help you with anything about the move or something like that since our van hasn't been used after the tour

Virgil nods, agreeing to getting help from the band when he eventually does move the 3 and a half hours to Orlando. Virgil becomes more integrated within the band, being the bands official artist for singles/EP covers and merchandise sold during shows. After a few years of dating, Roman proposed during a show celebrating the anniversary of the bands founding by singing Butterfly, the song that he wrote about Virgil

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