-The Red Scarf-

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I was following the, I was following the
I was following the, I was following the
I was following the, I was following the
I was following the, I was following the

I was following the pack,
All swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red
Tied 'round their throats
To keep their little heads
From falling in the snow
And I turned 'round
And there you go
And Roman, you would fall
To turn the white snow
Red as strawberries
In the summertime

Roman tied on his red scarf around his neck, going downstairs to the basement so that he could check on the pamphlets being printed today. He oversaw the production of revolutionary pamphlets that supported the downfall of the monarchy, making sure that each paper were the same before being passed upstairs

Roman and his husband Virgil run a boarding house, acting as a cover to print pamphlets and to house revolutionaries from the Royal guards so that they couldn't get executed. Roman took a stack of finished pamphlets, bringing them upstairs to the front desk where Virgil stood by the window and lit a candle, his sign of mourning for the deceased revolutionaries. He placed a glass dome over the candle so that that flame doesn't spread and burn down the building

Roman hid the finished pamphlets behind the desk in a secret drawer, then went out in front and hugged Virgil from behind. Virgil took Roman's hand and squeezed it tight. Roman hugged Virgil more to give him comfort, knowing that his husband has been taking the deaths of fellow revolutionaries hard recently so Roman has been doing everything he can to help Virgil cope

Pamphlets just got printed for today, they're hidden in the drawer. I don't know if we're going to house any new people but we'll see, I can make up a room just in case

Virgil nods, still holding onto Romans hand tight. Roman spun Virgil around, playfully leading him into an adorable little waltz to help Virgil cheer up for just a moment

I was following the pack
All swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red
Tied 'round their throats
To keep their little heads
From falling in the snow
And I turned 'round
And there you go
And Roman, you would fall
To turn the white snow
Red as strawberries
In the summertime

A month passes, snow is truly piling up in the Parisian streets. The red scarves of revolutionaries really stand out from the snow. Roman walked through the snow, carrying a package. Inside was some decoy items meant to throw off the scent of Royal guards but underneath was a folder of pamphlets. It was his job to successfully smuggle these papers to a friend, where they can distribute those to the countryside of France and surrounding areas near Paris. Roman was smart to wear a tricolored cockade pin, disguising himself as a loyalist to the crown

On his way to his destination, a uniformed soldier of the Royal guard stopped Roman

|Royal Guard|
Halt! State your business!

I'm loyal to the crown, sir. Why are you stopping me?

|Royal Guard|
Protocol, we guards don't want to see a traitor amongst the monarchy's people

Roman hesitantly gives the package to the uniformed soldier, praying that he doesn't look further into the box and find the pamphlets. Fortunately, the soldier lets Roman go after seeing the decoy items

Roman goes on his way, successfully giving the package to his friend. However, he doesn't notice that his red scarf dropped just after the exchange. On his way home, Roman felt something hard hit his back. Blood started coating his mouth and fell onto the snow. His arms were forcibly grabbed by 2 soldiers while a third held Romans red scarf like it was a trophy. All 3 Royal guards shouted traitor at Roman as his vision ran blurry and eventually became black

I was following the pack
All swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red
Tied 'round their throats
To keep their little heads
From falling in the snow
And I turned 'round
And there you go
And Roman, you would fall
To turn the white snow
Red as strawberries
In the summertime

Roman woke up in chains. His hands were forcefully bound by handcuffs. He was locked away behind bars. After a few moments, a guard opened his cell, forcibly bringing him out after tying his red scarf around his eyes. Roman was being lead outside, people surrounded the chopping block and stared at the imposing power the weapon had. Roman was suddenly stopped, hearing a voice call out and name his sentence

|Royal guard|
On this day, revolutionary Roman Desrosiers is has been involved with other radicals and betrayed our monarchs. As such, he is sentenced to death. Any last words?

Virgil, I'm sorry. Keep your candlelight burning for me and all of us who have been unjustly killed. Remember me, I'll always be loving you from above

Roman was forcibly lead towards the chopping block, being forcefully bent down. After a countdown of three, the blade fell down. Virgil's candle was blown out

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