-Walk in the Rain-

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Rain poured down from the sky as Virgil was walking home from school. His dads would have picked him up but they were going to be working late tonight so he was on his own. Water seeped its way into Virgil's shoes as the sidewalk poured. Who knew that Florida could get this rainy? Probably because of hurricanes

As Virgil walked, a car horn honked. Virgil turned around expecting to see a creep but instead saw his boyfriend, Roman. His Cherry Red Audi stopped and the passenger seat window rolled down

Need a ride, Butterfly?

Virgil nods, getting in his boyfriends car. Roman drove to Virgil's house, going in with him so that Virgil isn't alone until his dads return home from work

Virgil brought Roman to his room after he hung up his wet clothing in the bathroom so that it could dry. Virgil then took Roman to his room, wanting cuddles after he got stuck in the rain. Roman smiled as he practically got dragged over to Virgil's bed, laying down first then Virgil followed, his head resting on top of Roman's heart

Virgil began taking a nap once his head laid on Roman, the rain pattering against his bedroom window serving as background noise. Roman ran his fingers through Virgil's hair while smiling softly, as his own eyes began to close. A soaked Janus and Patton came home after a few hours, checking on in Virgils room to see him and Roman cuddling with each other

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