-Healing Bruises-

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~while healing Roman's wounds~
Ro, why do you do this to yourself?

For context, Roman got into a fight and got injured. Mostly bruises but nothing too serious. Roman's teammates on the football team were talking bad about Virgil so Roman confronted them about it which started a fight. This ended up with Roman getting a detention after his last class. The couple was at Roman's house after the detention. Roman is currently laying on the couch with Virgil cleaning up Roman's bruises from a first aid kit on the coffee table

They were talking bad about you

You punched Number 14 who was practically your own size! In his face!

My teammates deserved it, people shouldn't be badmouthing you when you can hear it

I get why they're badmouthing me, people look down on me and assume that we're together because I want to be popular. Im not with you because of that, but sometimes people label you as someone not worth it and it's stuck

Butterfly, you are very much worth it. You're the best boyfriend that I can ask for and I will go to the ends of the earth and back for you. I love you so much that you own my heart, I can't stop thinking about you since you're always in my thoughts. I will always protect you from danger or harm like what happened earlier today. My life isn't mine when you're not in it. Please don't believe what everyone else says, you're perfection in every way possible in my eyes

Virgil stops tending to his boyfriends bruises for a moment, reflecting on Romans sweet speech. He eventually buries his face into Romans chest, hugging his boyfriend. Roman smiles and hugs Virgil back with one hand, using the other to run his fingers through Virgil's dyed purple hair. Virgil reveals his face after a few minutes, seeing Roman smile at him. Virgil thanks Roman for saying the kind words about him, now believing what he said. Virgil finishes taking care of Roman's bruises soon after, leaving for a moment to put the first aid kit away

Roman stands up and follows Virgil, hugging him from behind. Virgil smiles when he felt Roman's arms wrap around his waist, getting caught off guard a bit when Roman picked him up bridal style and took them to his room. Roman put Virgil down on his bed then laid next to him so that they could cuddle. Virgil kissed Romans cheek as Roman's arms went back to holding onto Virgil. Virgil's head began to rest on top of Roman's heart, with Virgil starting to fall asleep. Roman ran his fingers through Virgil's hair again as he also started falling asleep, keeping Virgil safe in his arms

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