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Roman, I swear to god I will poke you with this sewing needle if you don't stay still

But V, I want to see what you're doing

You can literally do that in a mirror, I'm almost done

Roman chuckled as Virgil finished up. Roman got the lead role in his high school musical production of Into the Woods and his boyfriend Virgil was part of the costume crew. Roman got the part of Cinderella's Prince and the Wolf which is traditionally double casted, even though he auditioned for The Baker. Virgil finished up sewing a section of the red sash on the Prince costume, dragging Roman over to a mirror so that he can see

You can see it now, happy?

Thanks, V

Roman hugs Virgil, who rolls his eyes but hugs Roman back. Roman and Virgil pulled back from the hug, eventually going their separate ways in the theater

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