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Roman finished tightening a screw then standed back to see the results on a project that he's been working on after a year. Sitting on a table and slumped over was a beautifully crafted automaton, it resembled more of a marionette doll than a machine

The metal frame and structure was created by steel, painted a shiny silver. On the chest cavity, there was a small black velvet box where a heart would be inside a human. The automaton had ball jointed arms and legs, the torso could also move freely as does the neck and head. Inside the neck was a purple voice-box, a wire connected it to the mouth. The automaton had beautiful jewel like glass eyes, it had a translucent painted overcoat so that a small camera inside them could see the world through it. The cameras cord hung down the back, both it and the battery were hidden underneath the automatons clothes

The automaton wore a simple purple long sleeved shirt and black pants. On the automatons feet were a pair of around the house shoes. Roman revealed a ring on a chain from underneath his starched collar and black tie. It was a simple yet elegant silver band, topped with an amethyst surrounded by a small cluster of diamonds. Roman unhooked the ring from the chain, unbuttoned the purple shirt so that he can reach the small black box, and carefully placed the ring inside. He closed the box, buttoned back the shirt, then held onto a remote

Roman pressed a button on the remote so that now the automaton wasn't slumped over. He pressed another button so that the camera inside the eyes were turned on. Roman pressed a third button so that the automaton could move and speak. Finally, a fourth button was pressed so that he could record himself

Project Butterfly test number 1. He looks to be in prime condition but is not speaking or moving freely despite the button for it was pressed

The automaton then began to move. It first blinked its eyes, then started to move their joints. The automaton looked at Roman, confusion and recognition on their face


Butterfly? It's me, your husband


Yes! Do you remember the most happiest moment in our lives?

Yes...No...I don't know

It's ok, I can help jog your memory

Roman showed his ring to the automaton, an equally simple yet elegant gold band with rose and vine engravings all around it

This object on my finger is a symbol of our love, it's called a ring

The automaton looked down at their finger and saw no ring around it

I don't have a ring, are you still my husband?

Your ring is inside you, acting as your heart


It's an overarching symbol of love, Butterfly. Mine is filled with the love I have for you, which is enormous

Roman then placed the automatons hand against his chest

Can you feel it? That's my heart, beating for you

The automaton nods their head, confirming that they could hear Roman's heartbeat. Roman smiled at the automaton, very happy that they could hear his heartbeat. Roman and the automaton being alone was then cut short by a door opening to Romans basement workshop, in stepped his friend Logan who provided Roman with the funds to create the automaton

Logan! You're just in time! My automaton that you generously funded works! Project Butterfly is a success!

Logan looked at Roman, then the automaton, then back to Roman. Logan abruptly took Roman by the hand, dragging him upstairs from the basement and into the living room. On the mantle of a fireplace was a small purple vase, ornately decorated with white butterflies

~gesturing to the vase~
Do you think that the creation I funded for you would replace this?

My automaton isn't replacing this, he was just the first thing that came to mind when I first designed the automaton

No, you just want him back in your life again! Because his likeness is an automaton now, he won't get sick again! You want to live out the remainder of your days with him, only achieved by the creation of the automaton!

I created my automaton! You merely funded it so that I could built it! You have no right to say those things! Get out of my house and leave me be!

Fine, have it your way! Your creation shall never replace the memory of your beloved Virgil no matter how hard you try!

Logan angrily left Roman's house, slamming the door behind him. Roman was about to go back to his workshop when he saw the automaton stand in the living room

Who's Virgil?

You were created with the likeness of Virgil, my husband. Every single thing about you from your design to your clothes and even your heart was made with Virgil in mind. Something happened to Virgil that left me to become incredibly saddened. I stopped inventing and leaving the house because of it, until I got the idea to create you with his likeness so that we could be together once more

So, I'm not your husband?

No, you only look like him. Maybe my friend Logan was right that I only created you to replace the real Virgil and that my life with him could start again. I'm deeply sorry to do this after a year of work but to move on, I'm going to have to decommission you

That's okay. You can disassemble me so that you can be better

Roman nods, taking the automaton down to the basement. The automaton willingly let Roman deactivate them and take them apart. The only thing Roman kept from the automaton was their heart, since it was fashioned from Virgil's wedding ring

He placed the ring on his finger, seeing it next to his own. Roman went back upstairs, quickly getting ready to go outside. He left the house and went to seek out a florist, buying a bouquet of white roses. Roman then walked to the cemetery, placing the flowers on the ground next to a headstone. Roman sat on the grass, reading the engraved words on the headstone

In loving memory of Virgil Maro
Beloved husband of Roman Rodriguez
Wonderful person and friend

Just as Roman was about to leave the cemetery, a purple butterfly flew over and landed on the headstone. Roman held a finger out so that it could climb onto it, he then moved his finger towards his face for a moment

Say hello to Virgil for me, please

Roman then released the butterfly to the sky, smiling as it flew towards the clouds

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