-The Boyfriend-

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TW - Abusive Ex, Alcohol, Yelling, Fighting, Confrontations, Attempted mugging

Virgil heard a knock on the door of his apartment, he was about to answer it when his son Remy did it for him. The 12 year old boy opened the door to see someone very unfamiliar in the doorway. Virgil went over to the man in the door, greeting him and gave him a kiss on the cheek

Virgil asked Remy to sit on the couch, he sat next to his son as the man pulled up a chair next to the couch. Virgil then introduced Remy to the man

Remy, this is the guy from work that I told you about over dinner a few days ago. His name is Roman, and he is also my boyfriend. He lives by himself at the moment but he is going to move in with us

The man, now identified as Roman, waved hello to Remy. Roman stuck his hand out for a handshake, but Remy got up from the couch and went to his room. Remy closed the door loudly behind him

Have I done something wrong?

Roman, you were fine. Remy is a nice kid though, he's typically the people person. Give me a sec, I can try and convince him to leave his room

Roman nods, kissing Virgil's forehead then Virgil knocked on Remy's room door

Remy? It's your Papa. Can you come out of your room please?

Remy slowly opened his door, he grabbed Virgil's hand and pulled him inside. Remy shut the door to his room so that now Roman is alone in the living room

Remy, why did you not reciprocate Roman's handshake? Do you not like him?

How do you know that your new boyfriend won't end up like him?

Remy, I know that you're scared but I promise that Roman is the farthest thing from him. To tell you the truth, I was just like you when Roman and I first met. But I got to know him more as we worked together and it blossomed into us becoming boyfriends. Look, I get that you and Roman may not start off on the right foot immediately, but maybe give it a try?

Maybes a strong word, Papa. How about a hard no. I don't trust that stranger in our house, get him to leave

He will eventually leave since he doesn't live with us right now, but he is going to stay for a bit. You can be here in your room, I won't bother you


Virgil left his son, going back to Roman

How was the talk?

I kinda convinced him that you can stay over for a bit. There is something that I do need to talk with you about though

Go ahead, I'm listening

I told you that I did have an ex before we officially started dating. The ex is Remy's biological father, we were together since high school. We were happy until the ex got laid off from his job, he began to drink to cope with the loss. Soon after, the ex started drinking a lot and took out his drunken state on Remy. He was young at the time, around 7 or 8. Remy's 12 now so it's been a few years. I officially broke up with the ex after a few months of this behavior. I raised him on my own without a partner apart from my family until I met you and we started dating. To sum it all up, Remy is scared that you'll repeat the same behaviors as the ex which is why he didn't reciprocate your handshake earlier and went into his room

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