-10pm, Town Square-

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They say to beware that house on the hill overlooking the small town. People spread rumors of a boy who ran away, defying the commandments of his father. People said that the father shortly passed away of heartache after finding out what happened to his son. A few speculate why the boy ran away, or why the father was hiding his son from the world

However, that all started when the father's beloved passed away when the boy was barely a year. Not wanting to lose his son as well, the father locked the front door tight and took it upon himself to raise his son. Homeschool was soon in session for the boy, along with prayer and chores throughout the day. At night, the boy wasn't stared at from the watchful yellow eye of his father

On one particular night, the boy finally plucked up the courage to sneak out. Opening the window, the boy carefully slipped through it. He dropped down on the porch roof, then went down the side using boards on the porch. Darkness cast a shadow on the small town, so the boys preferred color of purple blended in

The boy explored the world that he only saw behind glass. He took in all the sights and sounds, starting to think about doing this more often. Then something happened that surprised the boy, he met a stranger. The boy encountered someone else apart from his father for the very first time. Even more so, the stranger was wearing the color red, a color that the boys father refused to wear since it was the "devil's color", along with light blue since it was "grief's color"

The stranger looked nice, the boy thought, with his perfect hair and handsome eyes. The boy imagined that the stranger was a prince even. The stranger said that he was from a mystical land named Florida, and that he moved to the small town recently. The boy was enchanted immediately, now desperate to go to the stranger's kingdom. From that day forward, the boy snuck out every night to secretly meet with the stranger, now known as the lover

When it was day, the boy and the lover kept correspondence by letter. The boy hid all of the letters from the lover underneath the floorboards of his room. In the most recent letter the boy received, the lover asked if he would like to spirit himself and the boy away to Florida. The lover was by now well aware of the boy being hidden from the world, knowing that the boy would love any ounce of freedom he got. So the lover devised a plan to take himself and the boy to Florida

After gathering the resources needed, the lover wrote back to the boy, saying for the boy to come to the town square at 10pm. The lover would be waiting in his car so that he can pick up the boy and drive them to Florida. The boy agreed to the plan, waiting until the perfect time to sneak off to the town square. The boy successfully left the house the same way that he always did, going to the town square. He saw the lover in the car, going inside the passenger seat

The lover started the drive, finally giving the boy the freedom that he always desired. The following morning, the father woke up to see his son gone. The father desperately searched for his son, asking the mailman to pin up missing posters since he was notoriously known for never leaving that house on the hill. The father had no results on what happened to his son, but was told the events by locals who witnessed that evening

Cursing the world for spiriting away his son, the father passed away of a broken heart after losing both his beloved and son. The boy and the lover soon after successfully arrived in Florida, starting a family of their own without hiding away

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