-Broken Arm-

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Sorry for the long wait, had big writers block between this and the last chapter - The Author

Ever since Roman got back home from the hospital after breaking and fracturing his right arm, Virgil has been tending to his boyfriends every whim. If Roman wants water, then there's 3 bottles on the coffee table. If Roman needs a blanket, then he gets buried underneath a mountain of them

While trying his hardest to hide it, Virgil's needs have been pushed down so that he can take care of Roman. Today, Roman and Virgil are meeting up with their friend group, with Virgil hoping that his friends, especially Janus, don't notice that his eyes have pronounced dark circles and that his movements are slow

Virgil helped Roman in their car, Virgil started to drive to the park where the friend group was meeting up. He clearly was getting tired as he drove, Virgil's purple and green eyes were closing but sharply snapped awake

Butterfly, you okay? You seem tired

No, I'm fine Ro. Not tired at all

Have you been sleeping at night?

Yes I have, can you please change the subject? I'm supposed to be awake, it's not dark outside

Roman nods, turning on the radio as he thought about Virgil's well being. Eventually, Virgil and Roman arrived at the park. Virgil got out of the car, helping Roman out, then brought them to the rest of the friend group

Janus greeted his friends, immediately noticing the dark circles underneath Virgil's eyes but didn't say a word until he gets them alone

How's your arm?

Hurts, as typical. Took my meds though

Very good. I will push you down a flight of stairs if you don't take your prescribed medication, remember that well Rodriguez

~now kinda scared of Janus~
Got it, will remember

Patton heard Janus, coming over to his boyfriend

JJ, what did we say about pushing someone down a flight of stairs?

~dramatically sighs~
It'll hurt the person physically if it's a hard push, I shouldn't be threatening my friend

Patton smiled, hugging Janus. Janus hugged his boyfriend back, then a snap from a picture was heard. Janus heard the flash come from Remus's phone and glared intensely at his friend

Remus, I encourage you to start running or delete that blackmail right now!

A scared Remus began to run all over the park with Janus chasing at him while holding his cane. Logan briefly looked up from his book, seeing the hilarity of 2 grown adults chasing each other then nonchalantly returned to reading

Virgil, Roman, how are you?

Good, Ro starts physical therapy in a few days so that'll help out his arm after his surgery a few weeks back

That's good, if you need extra help then let me know. JJ and I can come over, you don't have to take care of Roman all by yourself, Kiddo

Virgil nods slowly, starting to yawn. He tried to hide it but it was no use. Patton got confused when he saw Virgil yawn, calling Janus so that he can help. After a few minutes, an out of breath Janus went back over to Patton

Finally, Remus deleted the blackmail. And it only took that little punk my deodorant in exchange. You wanted to see me, Patton?

Patton took Janus over to a spot near the group but they were by themselves

J, did anything seem off with Virgil?

Other than slower movements and distinct dark circles under his eyes, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. Why do you ask?

While you were chasing Remus, Virgil and I had a conversation and he yawned. It's still light out and it's the afternoon, has he not been sleeping?

Seems like my suspicions are correct as well, I believe that Virgil has been working constantly so that Roman can be taken care of. But he hasn't done that to himself

Janus and Patton look over to see Virgil beginning to fall asleep and Roman running his fingers through his boyfriends hair using his left hand in order to help sooth Virgil to sleep. Janus took himself and Patton over to Roman and Virgil

Roman, do you mind if Patton and I take you and Virgil home? Virgil's basically asleep and he can't drive like this

Yes please, Virgil needs to rest. Will he be alright?

As long as he takes care of himself

Roman nods as Janus and Patton help him and a now asleep Virgil over to their car. Roman sat in the back with Virgil, Janus was behind the wheel while Patton was in the passenger seat. Janus drove Roman and Virgil back to their apartment. Roman helped Virgil lay down on their bed once inside their apartment

Virgil was tucked into bed by Roman, Roman smiled as he saw that his boyfriend is sleeping peacefully. Roman carefully laid down next to Virgil, running his fingers through his hair with his left hand as he took a nap with Virgil

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