-Lavender Marriage-

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You want me to do what?

Agreeing to partake in a lavender marriage will be just the thing that your reputation needs if the press finds out that you're a pansy of all people! I've already taken the liberty of picking out a nice lady for you to be with

I'm the actor here! Just because you're my agent doesn't mean that you get to dictate my every move!

Yes, but who books the theaters that your movies will be in? Who works night and day to get you cast? Who is the one that manages your entire brand? I do this all for your sake, this lavender marriage does that same purpose!

My sake?! You only care if I'm popular with my fans! You only care about the money that I make from my career!

It's just good for business! I get something when you get something! You get married to the wonderful lady that I picked out so that the fans can see that the biggest star in Hollywoodland isn't a pansy!

You want something in this? Then call off this lavender marriage or my fame goes crashing down in your face. I'll happily quit acting if you don't force me into leaving the love of my life for some other woman

Call off the lavender marriage? It took me some days and a few hundred dollars to procure the girl that I personally handpicked to be your wife! You will get married to her, whether you like it or not!

Fine, then send this out to every media outlet in Hollywoodland. You just lost your biggest star, I quit!

Roman angrily walked out, slamming the door behind him. He left the building and was picked up by his chauffeur Janus, asking to be driven to Virgil's house instead of his own mansion in the Hollywoodland hills. Technically, Virgil's house was above a store that he owned and worked at but Roman knocked on the front door regardless

Virgil answered the door after a few minutes, he visibly looked tired so Roman figured that he just woke up from previously sleeping

Ro, it's 1 in the morning, shouldn't you be at your mansion or something?

I'm not going back there, can I live with you?

Why? Do you not like your big fancy house for whatever reason?

Not that, I can explain everything

Fine, let me make some coffee first

Virgil soon comes back from his apartment upstairs with a mug of coffee, sitting down next to Roman at a table. Roman explained what happened with his agent earlier

I would rather be with you then get forced into a straight relationship so that Hollywoodland is happy, that's why I quit. Media outlets will definitely sell papers about how the biggest star in Hollywoodland is a gay man it by morning

Virgil immediately hugged Roman tight after hearing what happened, Roman hugged him back. The couple stayed like that for a few seconds, until Virgil stood up from his chair and helped Roman up. Roman took it a step further and picked up Virgil bridal style, taking them upstairs to Virgil's apartment

Roman brought themselves to Virgil's room, laying down on the bed

What can I do now since I quit acting? I completely forgot about that! Should I help you downstairs? Should I find a job somewhere? Work from home?

There's a coffeehouse down the street who wants to hire a live singer to entertain guests after their regular got booked elsewhere. You can apply there tomorrow morning, but for now we both need rest

Okay, goodnight Butterfly. I love you

I love you too, Ro

In the following days, Roman released a statement against his agent which detailed the events of their confrontation. Exposed for his selfishness, Roman's agent got fired from the industry. As Roman put it in the confrontation, his fame came crashing down in his agents face. Roman cut ties with Hollywoodland for good when he sold his mansion and stopped acting, but kept his awards and posters for nostalgias sake

Roman also issued in the statement that he would appreciate that his fans treat him like a typical person instead of a celebrity. He also asks that they respect Virgil's privacy due to Virgil not wanting to be in the public eye

Roman successfully got the job at the coffeehouse, but helped out Virgil when he needed it at the shop. After a few years, Roman proposed to Virgil. They secretly got married in the company of Janus, who presided over the ceremony. People did ask Roman if he may regret his decision to quit Hollywoodland, all Roman did was smile and look at Virgil, saying that he could never regret leaving for one bit

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