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You ready to see our room?

Yeah, open the door, these bags are heavy!

Roman chuckled, kissing Virgil's forehead then put his keycard against the door. The door opened, Roman held it and Virgil walked inside. The two were on a cruise that stops in Spain, where they were getting married in 2 days. Roman planned everything from the start, he was very happy that he managed to save enough money to pay for the expenses

Virgil walked into an expansive room, Roman followed him and both set down the bags that they were carrying. The bed, made with soft white sheets/blankets and red pillows, was against the wall to the left. A balcony was across from the front door, there was 2 chairs and a small table which had an ice bucket with champagne and 2 glasses

Across from the bed was a dresser and closet, a smallish TV was on top of the dresser along with a phone if Roman and Virgil wanted to order room service. A door next to the dresser on the right side lead to a bathroom. It was a standard bathroom for the most part but there was a jacuzzi bathtub and a jar of fake rose petals was on top of the sink along with a bunch of light up candles. A red suitcase and a purple suitcase stood against the closet door while the carry ons sat near the front door

Roman went over to his fiancé after Virgil explored their room

Do you like the room?

Like it? I love it!

Virgil hugged Roman, his arms going around Roman's neck. Roman smiled, his arms gently resting on Virgils waist. Roman and Virgil kissed for a few moments then Roman picked up Virgil bridal style, catching Virgil off guard for a second but settled in his fiancés arms

Roman smiled brightly as he walked over to the bed, setting Virgil down onto it then started unpacking by himself

Ro, I can help you unpack. We can each do our suitcases

No, it's okay Butterfly. I got it handled, don't worry

Virgil nods, waiting for Roman to finish unpacking. He got up from the bed and went to the balcony, looking at the view and skyline of the city since the cruise hasn't sailed out yet. Soon, a gentle hold from behind was felt by Virgil. Roman kissed the top of Virgil's head as he too looked at the skyline

After a few minutes, the couple started to feel a pull towards the right and the floor began to shift. Water in the port commenced to moving as the cruise began its maiden voyage to Spain over a course of today and the following day until it docks on day 3. Roman asked Virgil if he needed anything at the moment like food or anything. Virgil said that he was hungry so Roman called up room service since he guessed that the buffet would be very crowded since other people on the ship would want food after they embarked on the ship

Virgil thanked Roman for the room service after it arrived, making small talk with his fiancé over it. Now getting a sense that people have settled into their rooms, Roman asked Virgil if they would like to explore the other floors of the ship so they know where everything else is. Virgil agreed, they eventually found where the buffet is, the hot tub, the fancy restaurant for their final day on the ship, and the water slide since Roman wanted to go down them during the cruise

Returning to their suite, Virgil flopped down on the bed and deadpanned that he would like to take a nap after exploring the ship. Roman chuckled and sat next to his fiancé

Well, I'm going to take a bath. I would love to try out that jacuzzi, you can join me if you want. I can make it special

As long as I can take a nap afterwards, I'm in

Roman smiled, going to the bathroom and ran a bath. He sprayed his rose and cherry perfume in the air so that it smells nice then opened the jar of fake rose petals. Roman sprinkled the faux petals on top of the water once full and sprinkled the rest in a trail leading to the door. He turned on the light up candles and placed them on the sink and around the bathtub then turned off the lights. Finally, Roman undressed and put on a fluffy red robe

He opened the bathroom door to see an asleep Virgil. Roman smiled and went over to the bed, gently rubbing Virgil's shoulder to wake him up

Butterfly, baths ready. I made it special just for you

Okay, let me get up

Virgil was about to sit up on his own but Roman picked up Virgil bridal style and brought them to the bathroom. Virgil gave Roman many kisses on his face when he saw the bathroom. Roman set Virgil down and briefly left the room so that Virgil could get undressed, then the couple took a jacuzzi bath together

With their skin all wrinkled now, Roman and Virgil got out of the bathtub and dressed for bed. Virgil went to the bed, falling asleep immediately as his body made contact with the warm and soft blankets. Roman cleaned up the petals and candles, then joined Virgil in bed afterwards

Roman smiled when he looked down at his fiancé, gently kissing Virgil's forehead and the top of his hand. His hands went around Virgil's waist, delicately pulling him closer. Roman adjusted their position so that Virgil's head laid on his heart, he smiled softly at his fiancé one more time before falling asleep as well

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