-Burnt Out-

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Ro I'm bac-

Virgil turns from the door to see his and Roman's house trashed. There was stuff everywhere on the floor, paint from Virgil's studio was splattered on any surface it could find. Laying on the couch was Roman, he was half undressed and lying face down. He thankfully wore pants but strangely didn't wear a shirt. All of a sudden, the couples cat ran by Virgil. His white fur was covered in paint

Virgil sighed heavily and attempted to sit Roman up on the couch, he immediately felt Roman's arms wrap around his waist and bring him on his lap

Ro, what happened? The house is a mess, the cat needs to take a bath now, please explain

JJ came over...made me something to drink so that I could relax...too stressed from last night...my head hurts bad now

Virgil remembered that Roman had to stay late at his job last night, he worked long hours deep into the night at the office for some consecutive days which made Roman burnt out

But why ask Janus? You know that you could always come to me

You were sleeping when I came home...then you were busy today until now...didn't want to disturb you...JJ was the only other option available

Drinking isn't going to help you being burnt out, I can help your hangover then you can take some mental health days until you're able to go to work again without getting burned out. Or maybe afterwards you can apply to a different job, there's a position open at my school if you're interested. There's been listings looking for a PE teacher and football coach

Don't like this job...I can apply to that new one after I get better...want to see you more during the weekday anyway

Okay, I can recommend you to the principal while you're taking your mental health days. Then you can come in with me whenever we figure out a time

That's nice...head hurts too much...want cuddles and a nap

You can do that, although it'll be better upstairs then on the couch. Also, I need to clean up the house or else we'll leave it there for a while. I'll get you some painkillers and water after I bring you upstairs first

Virgil manages to take Roman upstairs and lay him in bed, then placed a glass of water and painkillers on the bedside table. Virgil cleaned up the house and bathed the cat while Roman was sleeping by himself. Afterwards, Virgil got ready to take a nap and joined Roman in bed. Roman's arms gravitated towards Virgil once again and gently brought him closer. Virgil smiled, giving Roman a kiss on his cheek then began to take a nap

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