-Award Ceremony-

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Papa, this suit is stuffy! Why can't I wear my jacket and sunglasses?

Dad's nominated for the award about the signing competition and the dress code is formal wear. It's only for today, I promise

Fine, as long as I can take it off afterwards

Virgil smiles, getting himself ready in the main bedroom by putting on a formal purple cardigan and nice black pants. Roman was already dressed in a handsome red suit with a white tie and golden details, he sat on the bed putting on a pair of red dress shoes. His and Roman's daughter Violet soon rushed in her parents room, her eyes looked like they were crying. He noticed that Violet was upset, crouching down to her level and hugged her

Violet, sweetheart, what's wrong?

The dress that I was going to wear ripped as I was putting it on by myself! I don't have anything fancy now!

Can you show me where it ripped? Papa can fix it with his sowing machine

Fix what? Why is Violet crying?

Her dress ripped as she was putting it on by herself, you can fix it with your sowing machine

Virgil nods, getting the machine out and placed it on the dresser. Roman held Violet's 6 year old sized hand and was taken to her closet, being given a purple dress that had a tulle skirt and a smallish train. There was a medium to large rip down the back of the dress

Roman scooped up his daughter and the dress, bringing them both back to his room. Virgil quickly resowed the dress, helping Violet put it back on while teaching her how to put it on herself without it ripping. Violet felt better, thanking Virgil for fixing it

Virgil smiled, hugging his daughter. Eventually, all four members of the family arrived at the award ceremony. Roman was nominated to win an award for a singing competition he entered and was at the final 2. Virgil, Remy, and Violet found their seat at the venue, talking amongst themselves as they waited for the ceremony to start. Roman was backstage rehearsing for tonight, but knew where his family sat

The host of the event soon started the ceremony, kicking it off with a highlight reel of the competition as a whole, then played individual ones for Roman and his competitor. There were some performances from eliminated contestants and the judges, ending with Roman and his competitor singing one final individual song before the winner was announced

The moment has arrived, the audience waited with baited breath....

Roman was announced to be the winner of the competition! Golden confetti rained down on Roman as the audience cheered for his victory! His competitor gave him a good job, Roman was handed the trophy and began to give a speech

Thank you so much for this. I want to thank the judges in believing in my talent, I want to thank my family for supporting me all throughout this competition. I want to thank my daughter Violet who constantly asked me to perform for her and her stuffed animals. I want to thank my son Remy for giving me the proper amount of sarcasm after I sing and reminding me to take care of my voice. Finally I want to give a million thanks to my wonderful husband Virgil who helped me prepare for every round and be the shoulder that I could always lean on. I love you three so much, this trophy practically rivals the amount because of how tall it is. Thank you, thank you, thank you, goodnight

The audience cheered as Roman walked down the stage steps and reached his family's table. He hugged both his children then gave Virgil a kiss, dipping him as they did so. Once separated, Roman lead his family back to the car. Arriving home, Roman found the perfect spot to put his trophy on, a place on the shelf above the couch next to Virgil's college degree hanging on the wall

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