-Dream Job-

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Roman doesn't like his job, it's a corporate job at a boring office. Roman did it under pressure from his parents, even though his dream is to act and sing

Every day, Roman comes home tired and unmotivated which worries his boyfriend Virgil. Virgil has been hoping that Roman's dream job can finally happen so that he's happy again, so he's been working around the clock at the theatre after shifts at his typical job in order to secure Roman an audition for the theatre's upcoming show

Finally all of Virgil's work has paid off and has successfully landed Roman a audition. Good timing, Roman just opened the front door

Hey Ro. How was work?

Boring, as always

I have a surprise for you

Surprise? It's not our anniversary, or my birthday

I know, but open the envelope!

Virgil hands Roman an envelope. Roman opens it, seeing that he has been secured a spot to audition for the theatre's upcoming show. Roman immediately hugged Virgil, very surprised, excited, and happy about the news

How in the world did you do this for me?

Working at the theatre after my shift

But you'd be working later than you already have been

I just wanted to make you happy, Ro

Roman hugged Virgil again, very grateful for his boyfriend for doing this. He then looked at the paper further, seeing that his audition was the same day as an important meeting for his corporate job

The auditions the same day as an important meeting for my job. I can't miss both of them

But do you want to be satisfied with your job or do you want to repeat being like this? Go to the audition instead of listening to what your parents wanted for your future

Roman realized that he should follow his own path, hugging and spinning Virgil around. Later that day, Roman sent in his resignation letter to the office

A few weeks later, Roman nailed the audition and finally came home happy

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