-Practice and Parties-

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A sharp sound from the coach's red plastic whistle startled Virgil, briefly pulling his focus away from his drawing. The whistle meant that football practice was over for the day, so Virgil saw his boyfriend Roman start to walk over to him while sweating like mad

Virgil packed up his art supplies but saved his sketchbook so that he could show the drawing to Roman. Roman reached Virgil's seat on the bleachers and took a long drink of water, then splashed some on his face before talking to his boyfriend

Hey Butterfly

Hi Ro. How was practice?

I'm sweating like crazy and you're definitely going to drag me over to the nearest shower, so it was good today

That's good, although you really do need to take a shower. I drew this while you were on the field

Virgil showed Roman his drawing, it depicted them dancing together in a fancy ballroom. Roman smiled brightly, saying that he loved it and would hug Virgil but he's super sweaty right now. Virgil nods in agreement, then stands up. Before they go to the locker room, Roman drapes his red football jacket over Virgil's shoulders. Roman escorts his boyfriend to the locker room, he immediately gets ready to take a shower and Virgil waits for him next to his locker

After a few minutes since he really wanted to be clean, Roman got out of the shower. He tried to fix his hair into its perfect style but couldn't since it's wet. Virgil giggled at his boyfriends frustration but blushed when he saw Roman without a shirt on. Roman smiled at Virgil, kissing his forehead then got dressed

Roman lead Virgil out of the locker room when he was dressed, bringing them to the parking lot where Roman's red convertible stood. Roman drove them to their small but nice apartment while the couple are currently in college. Virgil unlocked the door to find the apartment absolutely trashed

The couch was taken apart, the kitchen had many stains on the counter. The small TV was cracked and had a sizable dent in it. Glass from a lamp was on the floor, as was cigarette butts, red solo cups, and tons of glass bottles. The strong smells of alcohol and cigarette smoke poisoned the air. Plugged in strobe lights sat on the coffee table, an array of bright neon colors projected on the ceiling. The bathroom smelled like vomit and flies buzzed around the toilet. Most shocking was Roman's twin brother Remus laying on the bed with some random guy. Purple bite marks were present on both Remus and the guy, they were both fully undressed along with having killer hangovers

Roman instantly got fed up, very prepared to chew his brother out for doing this

Ugh my head but man that guy was awesome last night! I'm ready for a round two-

Remus! Why in the hell did you host a party and hook up with a random guy in my apartment?!

Evicted. People complained about my parties too much that I got kicked out. Your place was the next best thing for chaos and madness

Next best thing? The next best thing would be to clean up MY apartment and get the hell out! Give me your keys to here then clean up, I will not help you nor will Virgil. You hosted the party in the first place!

I'm drunk remember? I have a killer hangover

Deal with it yourself, or maybe your boytoy for the day can help you sober up if he's not as drunk as you. Clean up my apartment, Remus. I would like photo proof of this or else I'll tell administrators about this party

No! Anything but you telling admin!

Then clean up my apartment with evidence

Yes sir

Roman rolled his eyes then walked back to the living room where Virgil was

How are we even going to clean up this dumpster fire?

I got it covered, don't worry. Until Remus cleans up this mess with photographic evidence, I can find the nearest motel for us to stay in unless you have an idea

Patton's place, he'll treat us to the best cookies in the world while Janus will threaten Remus to push him down a million flights of stairs if he doesn't listen to what you said. Also Logan can lecture Remus about how breaking into your brothers house and hosting a party there is a very bad idea

That's a way better idea, actually. Come on, let's salvage what we can from the mess so that we can bring it over to Patton's house

Virgil nods, him and Roman manage to salvage their belongs that weren't trashed during the party. They packed up the car, Roman reminded his brother of the task that he was required to do, then the couple drove off to Patton and Janus's house

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