-Happy Anniversary-

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It was about 11pm when Roman finally came home from work. His job was demanding which consistently made him come back very late at night. He quietly opened the door, closing it and took off his shoes then saw Virgil sleeping on the couch.

2 plates and glasses were on the coffee table along with a vase of roses and lavender and some melted candles. A favorite movie of both Roman and Virgil was on the TV while Virgil's phone showed that an order of pizza was delivered. A cardboard box was shoved inside the recycling bin along with a crumpled hand drawn card

Roman reached inside the recycling and pulled out the card. He uncrumpled it and flattened it by placing it under heavy books for a few minutes, starting to look at and read the card. It showed both him and Virgil looking very happy on the front. Inside was a message written in Virgil's cursive-esque handwriting along with an adorably small footprint in red paint, Roman's heart began to break in 2 when he saw Happy Anniversary in Virgil's message

Roman realized that he had forgotten his anniversary with Virgil, the person deeply cherished by the man. His heart is full with an extraordinary love for Virgil, but how could Roman forget about this very important day? He began to get angry at himself, since his demanding job was the thing that made him forget about his anniversary. Roman angrily took off his tie and threw it away, stomping to the bathroom and slammed the door

He slumped down to the tiled floor with his back against the door, his anger shifting to sadness as Roman began to cry. His head perked up when he heard another voice cry out, he scrambled over to the guest room to see his and Virgil's recently adopted infant cry. Roman carefully picked up his child, calming them down as he thought about the paternity leave that was put in place a few weeks ago when his and Virgil's infant first got adopted

The leave ended a few days ago so Roman was forced to return back to his job. He started to wonder about quitting and becoming a stay at home dad while Virgil worked at the design company where he was a seamstress before the adoption. His job is letting his paternity leave be longer than Roman's, making Virgil spend more time with their child than Roman when his leave was over.

Roman smiled when seeing that his child was falling back asleep, he hummed some lullabies to help the infant stay asleep. Roman gently placed his child in their crib and was about to go back to the living room when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his torso. Roman turned around to see a partially awake Virgil, who proceeded to bring them both to the living room

Roman was led over to the couch by Virgil, sitting down onto it then Virgil sat on his lap. Roman ran his fingers through Virgil's purple hair as he breathed in the scent of lavender and wisteria flowers

I'm deeply sorry for forgetting our anniversary, Butterfly. Blame work and my negligence for not recognizing the date

I was waiting for you to come back early, so was our child. But you're always busy and come home at this hour. We never see you anymore

I know, that's why I'm quitting

What? But-

My job is very demanding and you're right, I don't see you and our child anymore after my paternity leave was up. I really want to be in your life again so that I can be there for you and our child as they grow up, so I'm quitting and becoming a stay at home dad while you go to your job after your paternity leave is up

You'd do that for us? But your salary is higher than mine, we wouldn't survive off of my income only

I could do odd jobs in our building, or help out any of our friends with their work. Fact is, I'm quitting my demanding job. I'll call my boss in the morning and tell them. For now

Roman picks up Virgil bridal style and takes them to their room

We both need to go to sleep. I've had a very long final day and I know that we both would like cuddles

Roman gently sets Virgil down on their bed, tiredly smiling at him before getting changed out of a stuffy suit into comfortable fluffy red flannel pajama pants. Virgil joked that Roman was a lumberjack due to the red flannel and how physically strong he is, Roman genuinely smiled and laughed after being stressed and tired when Virgil said that. Roman then laid down next to Virgil, who immediately started cuddling with him and fell asleep instantly

Roman smiled when Virgil cuddled with him, giving him many kisses on the top of his head and tucked him in. Roman soon fell asleep afterwards

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