-Costume Contest-

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Suggested by @Howgaycanibe

I look at myself in the mirror, adjusting my bow tie and smooth out my black pinstripe suit, then go downstairs to see my boyfriend Virgil waiting for me in a black dress and holding onto a bouquet of cut roses. It is Halloween and we are going as Gomez and Morticia from The Addams Family, combining Virgil's love for the Addams Family 1991 and 1993 movies and my request for a couples costume. I smile at my boyfriend, who leads me out of our apartment and into the car

We were going to my brothers house for the evening since he hosts a contest for our friend groups costumes every year. We start the drive over and arrive after 15 minutes. Virgil rings the doorbell, being met with Logan. He looks exactly like he always does, but he has put on a black sweater vest on top of his black dress shirt

I didn't bother to dress up as it is a childish endeavor, but Remus insisted that I participate the contest so I am a "nerd" this year. There is pumpkins outside since Patton requested that we can carve them before the contest but after everyone else is here. Remus is somewhere in the living room

Virgil takes me to where my brother is, I see that Remus is dressed like a creepy clown, which does scare me a bit. I knew that Remus has a penchant for all things horror and stuff but clowns is something that I don't like

Oh hey guys!

I wave at Remus with one hand and squeeze Virgil's hand with the other. Virgil immediately sensed my worries and hugged me

My costumes cool, right?

Yep, very cool

The doorbell rings afterwards

Janus and Patton should be there, greet them

Remus nods, going to the front door so that he can greet Patton and his best friend Janus at the door. Virgil takes me over to the couch so that we could sit down. I take his hand and kiss up his arm in the spirit of our costumes. Virgil smiles and kisses my cheek as his hand continues to be in my grasp. Soon, I see Patton dressed as a frog and Janus in a Phantom of the Opera costume come into the living room followed by Remus and Logan

Logan immediately notices my discomfort and anxiety around Remus's costume as he comes into his living room

Remus, please change into something less fearful, your brother clearly does not enjoy clowns. I purchased another costume for you, it is upstairs

Remus apologizes to me then goes upstairs, returning after a few minutes dressed in a Beetlejuice costume. I feel better when I see Remus's new costume, thanking Logan for that solid. Remus then takes us all outside so that we can carve pumpkins. All of us carved different designs into them then placed them on Remus and Logan's front steps

Remus held out his hand then Janus produced his signature bowler hat. Logan put out a pen and index cards for the costume contest, then announced the rules. One by one, each of us would write a name for the costume that we think is the best this year. We would then fold the card then place it in the hat. Logan would then shake the hat then reveal who wins the contest this year

After we found out that I always vote for Virgil's costume and Janus always votes for himself in previous years, there is now a rule about no bias voting and no votes for your own costume. Each of us went up to the hat and wrote down which person has the best costume. Logan shook the hat and started to reveal the results

One for Roman, One for Virgil. Two for Roman, Two for Virgil. One for Remus and One for Janus. Interesting, we have a tie this year

We won this year? Could there be a tie or should there be a tiebreaker?

Eh, your couple's costumes fit you two perfectly. Both you and my brother win, that's okay

I hug Virgil tight, very happy that we won the costume contest this year. Virgil smiles, also happy that his and my costume won as well. Knowing that trick or treaters would come to our door because it's getting dark out soon, Virgil and I left my brothers house, with me carrying Virgil bridal style out the door and into the car

We gave candy to the children on our doorstep while also getting our costumes complimented more which made me smile. After we both got tired, Virgil and I went back inside our house and got ready for bed. I went to sleep, dreaming about my costume contest success in the future

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