-Battle Wounds-

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The sound of a trumpet subsided. A white flag was raised high above the battlegrounds despite the fact that it was snowing. The corrupt forces of the opposing side finally declared surrender, the rebellion have triumphed. Unfortunately, their leader Roman was wounded and weakened by many injuries he suffered while on the battlefield. However, it was a 15 minute army crawl towards the medical tent. Roman decided to army crawl alone after he previously asked his lieutenants to find anyone still alive on their side

Roman was losing blood slowly yet in large amounts since the biggest injury he received was across his stomach. His nose was also bleeding along with any smaller cuts placed all over his body. A trail of blood was left behind on the pristine white snow as Roman army crawled. Eventually he managed to reach the medical tent, knowing that his boyfriend Virgil was inside. While also being the leader of the rebellions's boyfriend, Virgil was the head doctor in the medical tent

Roman's head went inside the tent as his arms pulled him towards the nearest cot. He tried to sit himself up but due to his stomach wound, it was a very hard task to do by himself. Virgil then walked in after sending his staff of nurses and doctors to deal with any field injuries, seeing his boyfriend trying to sit himself up but couldn't. He crouched down to Romans level

Ro, I can help you. Take my hands

Roman listened, he was helped up by Virgil after a countdown from 3. Virgil helped him sit and lay down on the cot. Roman's stomach wound and bloody nose was treated in record time, his smaller cuts were all covered by bandages

Butterfly...we did it...thank you

You're welcome, now get some rest please. Your wounds need it. If you want me with you, give me a moment. Your lieutenants called me over

Roman started to take a nap as Virgil walked outside to see his boyfriends lieutenants Logan and Janus. They both looked concerned about the health of their captain

Is Roman alright?

May we see him?

The big things were a wound across his stomach and a bloody nose along with many smaller cuts all over his body. Ro's okay and alive, he's resting now. My team will transfer him back home to fully recover

Janus and Logan understood, thanking Virgil for giving them the report on what happened to their captain. Virgil parted ways with them as his staff directly below him went inside the medical tent as another drove a medical carriage that was big enough to transport Roman laying in the cot. Roman was loaded into the back, Virgil sat with him and held his hand as Virgil's staff sat in the front. Virgil and Roman was driven away from the battlefield and back to their house

Roman was carried inside to a spare room on the first floor where Virgil would treat patients at the house. His body was then laid on the bed instead of the cot, Virgil said that he can take care of his boyfriend by himself from here so he sent his medical staff back to the battlefield

Fortunately, Roman started to slowly open his eyes soon after being laid down on the medical bed. He tried to get up but Virgil noticed and gently laid him back down

Ro, I know you want to move but your injuries have to get healed or else they'll get infected and worsen. We're safe at home now, you're in my medical room and care

Roman nods, outstretching his arms and hugged Virgil as safely as he could considering his stomach injury. Virgil hugged Roman back, giving him kisses on his cheek. He then changed Roman's bandages around his stomach after putting iodine on the wound as an antiseptic. Virgil laid Roman back down on the bed. Roman reached his arms out again, signaling to Virgil that he would like cuddles, especially after treatment. Virgil wished that he could and knew that Roman would greatly appreciate it but he can't because of his boyfriends wounds

I'm sorry Ro, I can't join you since your wound may get worse from the pressure of me laying against you. I have to call my staff and check on what's happening at the field, for now you need to rest. I'll make you some food that has good nutrients to help your injuries heal after the call, plus I'll change your bandages every few hours or so. Is that alright?

Roman reluctantly nods, listening to Virgil again and started to rest once more. Virgil smiled, giving Roman kisses on his cheeks then left the room to make that phone call

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