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The sounds of a heavy rain battered against the windows of Roman and Virgil's apartment. Roman planned for them to go out on a date tonight but the rain forced him to cancel the plans, making him upset. Not wanting his boyfriend to be distressed throughout the evening, Virgil got to work on helping him feel better and to still have the date planned

Virgil moved the coffee table out of the way in the living room so that there was a space for a pillow and blanket fort. He created the structure with chairs, string, and heavy books, then draped the blankets overtop the network of strings. Virgil placed pillows on the inside so that everything was soft and comfortable, then laid down a blanket on the floor. He finished up the inside with bowls of snacks and stuffed animals, then set up a stack of Disney DVDs so that him and Roman could watch them. Finally, Virgil ordered pizza so that him and Roman can have dinner instead of them filling up on the snacks he previously put in the bowls

Once the pizza arrived, Virgil placed it on the floor then went to his room where Roman shut himself in and sulked. Virgil opened the door, then got dressed in a pair of purple shorts and stole one of Roman's hoodies. He went over to his brooding boyfriend, asking him to get dressed in pajamas

Why? It's not our bedtime yet. I will make up our date for you once it's nicer outside, don't worry

Get in pajamas, please. Once you're done then close your eyes


Roman followed his boyfriends instructions, putting on a pair of fluffy red flannel pants and white socks. Virgil blushed when he realized that Roman omitted the top half of his pajamas, but covered his boyfriends eyes anyway. Virgil then took Roman out to the living room, telling him to open his eyes once the boyfriends were standing in front of the fort. Roman hugged Virgil tight, realizing that the date is still happening albeit it was modified for the indoors

Virgil hugged Roman back, then brought him inside the fort. The boyfriends ate their dinner over the movie, then talked after the stack of DVDs were all finished. Roman thanked Virgil for the makeup date, kissing everywhere on his face. Virgil smiled at his boyfriend, giving him a kiss on the cheek in return. Eventually, Roman helped Virgil take down the fort and put everything back in the living room

Once the room was cleaned, Roman picked up Virgil bridal style and brought them both to their room. Roman laid Virgil down then went in bed next to him. Virgil laid his head on Romans heart before falling asleep, Roman smiled and ran his fingers through Virgil's hair before falling asleep as well

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