-New Baby-

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Roman was about to get a midnight snack when he passed by the newly finished nursery. Him and Virgil were adding a new addition to their family after their son Remy expressed interest in wanting a sibling. He's currently 6 and was hoping for a brother closer to his age but Roman and Virgil went the surrogate route instead of adopting through the system

Roman works as a drama teacher for high schooler and one of his students went through a teen pregnancy, instead of giving the baby up, the student decided to be the surrogate for Roman and Virgil's second child. The baby is a girl named Violet and she is coming home in a few days

Roman walked in the nursery, seeing the gender neutral design in its entirety after Virgil practically shut himself inside and designed the entire room himself. Everything was done in a white and grey color palette, as Roman and Virgil didn't want to do the traditional pink and feminine colors that every suburban mother does for their nurseries

Roman smiled for a moment as he thought about Violet, then it dawned on him that he has no experience with taking care of a baby. Remy was adopted when he was 6, but this time Roman and Virgil are starting from very early on with Violet

Roman's doubts came in about his inexperience fathering a baby, he sank down to the carpeted floor and sat there with his knees against his chest by the door to the nursery. After 15 minutes, Roman heard a push and squeak from the door. He also felt dainty and featherlight footsteps walk inside the room

Roman looked up to see Virgil, who then spotted him sitting on the floor. Virgil crouched to Roman's level, making him sit criss crossed so that Virgil could be in Romans lap. Virgil sat in his husbands lap, gently cupping both of Roman's cheeks

Ro, what's wrong?

Nothing, I was just tired and wandered in the nursery

But you don't sleepwalk? You only get up if you need a midnight snack or to check up on Remy

I was about to get a midnight snack but I came in here instead, I thought about Violet when I looked at the nursery

I can't wait to see her in person, Ro

About that...never mind, it's stupid

What is?

Nothing, just forget I said anything

What's wrong with Violet? Don't tell me that you've going to break the surrogate agreement with your student

No not that, do we even know how to take care of Violet properly?

We can learn how, I'm sure that Patton can scour the internet for any parent how to do things meetings at his office since there is always one being hosted at the building

Roman nods, hugging Virgil. Virgil smiled and hugged his husband back. It was late so Roman felt like he was about to go to bed right now as him and Virgil hugged, he melted into his husband as Virgil continued to hug him

Eventually, Virgil helped Roman stand up and they went back to their room. Roman and Virgil laid next to each other in bed, cuddling together as they dreamt about their new baby Violet

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