-Midnight Dance-

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Prince Roman finished buttoning up his formal red suit, humming a song fit for a waltz under his breath. He quietly slipped out of his room after retrieving something small and delicate but very important for tonight. Roman began to carefully walk down to the lowest level of the castle. Eventually, he reached a door and gently knocked on it. The door then gave a crack inside, so Roman stepped through

His breath caught in his throat when he saw Virgil. His personal servant was wearing a black jumpsuit with shoulder cutouts and finger holes. There was a butterfly wing design on the back of the top half. Virgil's nails were painted purple, matching his hair and one of his eyes. His shoes were also purple, along with small accessories. Roman immediately blushed and practically malfunctioned on the spot, too blushy to even speak but he did get himself together after a moment

You look stunning, I just can't put it into words

Thanks Ro. You look handsome in the suit

Thank you. Now then, care for a midnight dance, my love?

Only if you lead

Of course

Roman and Virgil went up to the ballroom after checking that they wouldn't get caught by guards. Roman led Virgil in a waltz, humming the song from when he was getting dressed. Virgil smiled, leaning into Roman's touch as they danced. Roman smiled back, blushing red the same shade of his suit. When the waltz ended, Roman gave Virgil a rose fresh from the castle garden. Virgil smiled and smelled the flower's sweet scent, thanking Roman for it. Roman smiled back, giving Virgil a kiss on his forehead.

Not wanting the dance to just be in the ballroom, Roman took Virgil outside to the castle gardens. More specifically, a little area Roman commissioned the castles gardener and florist to create within the entire grounds so that him and Virgil could meet outside in secret. Roman and Virgil reached a small white gazebo that had rose bushes climbing onto each side of it. Roman began to speak to Virgil, nervousness started to show on his face

Butterfly. My heart is overflowing with love and admiration for you. From the very beginning, I knew that what we had was special. It goes beyond the boundaries of time and societal expectations. I want you to know that I am not afraid, nor do I care about the judgment of others, for my love for you knows no bounds. Regardless of what my parents may say or think, I love you with every fiber of my being. Our connection is not just temporary, it is eternal and unbreakable. Our souls are always intertwined, forever bound by a love that knows no limits. You are not just my love, you are my home, my sanctuary, my one true companion in this world. You are the very reason for my existence, the beating heart that keeps me alive. My love for you shines brightly, unwavering and undying, residing within the depths of your heart. So, my Butterfly, I ask you to embrace this as an invitation to continue our journey. Together, we can create a love story that will defy the passage of time. Will you marry me?

Roman presented Virgil with a ring on bended knee, a simple silver band topped with a purple gem in the middle with 2 red gems on either side. Virgil, very happy yet too stunned to speak, nodded to answer Roman's question. Roman stood up and slipped the ring on Virgil's finger, smiling brightly. Virgil kissed Roman immediately afterwards, the couple pulled away and pressed their foreheads together so that they could gaze into the others eyes

Eventually, Virgil got tired so Roman gently picked him up bridal style and quietly brought them to his room as it would be a lot of walking if Roman escorted his fiancé to his room in the servants quarters

After getting Virgil's consent, Roman changed Virgil as he was too tired to do so. Roman got dressed for bed, laying down next to Virgil. Roman smiled at Virgil, kissing his forehead once more then fell asleep for the night, dreaming about their wedding

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