1 - MSG

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Leah's POV

Today is the day I've been waiting for in so long. I found it hard to sleep tonight and I woke up too early.

4 hours to go and I made myself ready for the concert. My best friend and roommate Lucas is coming with me, he's a big fan too. He also bought a M&G ticket, at least for the first night.

I showered, took an eternity to pick an outfit, then did my make-up.
I decided to wear skinny jeans, a simple white t-shirt and pair that with black high ankle boots and a black leather jacket. I wore my hair open and wavy, put on fake lashes and did a darker make-up with nude lips.

When Lucas came inside he pretended to faint.
„GIRL, look at you!!", he exclaimed.
„It's not that much of..."
„Oh shut up, you look gorgeous!"

I looked into my mirror and I was actually feeling myself.
„Which piece of jewelry are you going to gift her, do you already know?", he asked.
„As if I wasn't thinking about this for months! I actually made one especially for her.", I laughed and went to get it.

I opened the box and showed him a delicate golden necklace. I made a small golden „J" that I incorporated into the chain. But not only that, I incorporated two green jade stones in it as well. One on the left side of the „J" and one one the right, standing for her kids, Max and Emme.

„I think I'm about to cry.", he said. „That's SO pretty!"
„Thank you."
„How are you going to give it to her? We're not allowed to bring gifts."
„I'll just wear it myself and then take it off as soon as I'm with her.", I smiled.

My phone buzzed. It was Lou, my girlfriend.
„Lou, hey.", I answered.
Lucas rolled his eyes. He never liked her.

„Hi love, I'm just calling to wish you a fun night!"
„Thank you babe, I will."
„Be careful, okay? Is Lucas with you? And text me later!"
„He is. When are you going to be back?"
„3 more days."
„Okay babe, see you then."

„You still didn't break up with her?", Lucas asked annoyed.

Lou and I had a troubled relationship. We've been dating for 5 months, and she had to go on business trips often. On top of that, she was pretty jealous which isn't a good combination. When she heard Lucas was coming with me for the concert she was relieved, because she would have hated it if I took one of my female friends. And Lucas was gay and a man, so she had absolutely nothing to worry about and was okay with it.

But that's not why I took him. We went together because he was a die-hard J.Lo fan, just as much as I am.

„Ready Leah?", he yelled from the front door.
I ran out of my bedroom.
We took each other by the hands and started jumping up and down, squeaking.

„Let's go!", I yelled.

We took the subway to MSG and saw a bunch of fans with the same destination.
We had first row tickets, we really didn't spare any money to get the best experience.

My excitement was through the roof right before she came out. My heart dropped when I  first layed my eyes on her. It was my first time seeing her live.
She was unbelievably pretty. Prettier than in any magazine, video or any screen. There she was, my idol, my inspiration, my celebrity crush. So close, yet so untouchable. My heart swelled and I was happier than ever.

Lucas and I had the time of our life's. We danced, sang along and cheered, screamed and hugged each other. One time I took my phone out to get a few pictures to remember that day. Other than that I lived in the moment and enjoyed every second. I felt alive.

Everytime she looked in our direction my heart dropped to my stomach. I was mesmerized by her beauty and her appearance, her power and strength and the warm energy that surrounded her. She was amazing and I couldn't believe I get to meet her after the concert.

The concert came to an end, which made me sad but also agitated and extremely nervous.

One hour after the concert we were standing in lined waiting for our big moment. We were the last ones. I could already hear her voice and thought of what to say. The necklace felt heavy on my neck. I hid the „J" under my t-shirt.

I let Lucas go first and didn't even hear what they were talking about, I was too nervous. We had only seconds, how am I going to make the best out of it?

I was next in line and I smiled nervously at Jennifer's sternly looking security guard.
„You're next.", he said and I was allowed to approach Jennifer.

I prayed that my voice wouldn't fail me and took a deep breath.

„H..", I cleared my throat. How embarrassing.
„Hi!", I said and tried to smile.
„Hi baby! What's your name?", Jennifer said and held her arms out for a hug.
Oh good god. I hugged her and it felt like my soul left my body and was hovering above us.
Her wavy hair tickled my nose and her scent was overwhelmingly good.

Jennifer wore a pretty and short nude dress with matching Louboutains.

„I'm Leah. How are you?", I asked her.
We broke the hug and she answered: „Nice to meet you, Leah. I'm good, how are you?"
„I'm good, and you?"

How stupid to ask her that twice!
She smiled it away and got in position for the picture that was about to be taken. I was just overwhelmed with emotions.

„I love your outfit, you look really pretty.", she said.
I blushed and smiled and in that moment the picture was taken.
„Thank you! You look gorgeous and your show was so amazing!", I answered, happy that I found my voice again.
„Yes I saw you and your friend having a good time.", she smiled.

She saw us!
She held her arms out again to hug goodbye when I remembered the necklace.
„Wait! I got something for you.", I said and she let her arms sink and looked at me, while I put my hands behind my neck to open the necklace.

„No gifts!", one of her security guards interrupted.
„Let her.", Jennifer handled it.

I held the end of the necklace in one hand and placed the „J" and the stones on my palm to show her.

She opened her mouth and touched the „J" with her fingers. „That's so pretty. I love it!", she said and my heart jumped.
„I... I made it for you. I just started my business."
„You did that?", her eyes widened.

„Yes. Those are green jade stones, one for each of your kids.", I smiled.
She put her hand on her heart.
„Thank you so much. That's so thoughtful."

She took the necklace in her hands and hugged me.
„It was nice meeting you.", she said.
I wanted to freeze the moment.
„See you tomorrow.", I said.
„You're coming again?", she asked.
„Of course!"
Jennifer laughed and smiled.
„See you then!", she said and walked out.
„Bye.", I said as she turned around.

I don't think anyone else had this much time with her.
When I walked out to Lucas we hugged so tight.
„You've been in there so long, oh my god!!"
„She said she loves the necklace!", I said with tears in my eyes.
„Ahh oh my god, tell me everything!!", Lucas replied and we left MSG.

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