46 - Have Us

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Leah's POV

This can't be true. My eyes saw Alex, standing behind Jennifer, pulling her hair so her neck was stretched backwards while holding a gun to her head. My mind couldn't process the image.

„Move and I'll shoot.", he said to me and Jennifer whimpered. Her eyes were filled with fear.

„What do you want?", I managed to grit through my teeth.

Alex pulled on Jennifer's hair a little more and traced the gun from her head down to her neck. She turned her face away, closed her eyes and started crying silently.

I need to do something, but I can't risk him hurting her. Think Leah, think!

„You're gonna leave.", Alex said to me. „And we're gonna work things out!", he said to Jennifer.
„No...", she whimpered.

Work things out? Is that his new term for rape?

„I won't leave her.", I said very determined.

Jennifer's POV

I tried to hold my body as far away from his as possible when he yanked my hair back again.

„So you wanna watch? I don't mind.", Alex said and his breath on my neck made me tense up. „What do you say baby, huh? Let her watch.", he spoke close to my ear and it made me close my eyes and whimper.
„Huh?", he said pulling on my hair again.
„Don't leave.", I whimpered out. „Please.", I added whispering.

I know it's not fair, but being alone with him seemed to be worse than to have her with me. I feel like I could live through it, if only she's with me. Also I knew she would never leave me with him.

„So you're welcome to watch.", Alex said to Leah while he pushed my dress over my shoulder with the gun's muzzle.
My insides tightened and I started whimpering.
„No.. no no no no..", I whispered out repeatedly and closed my eyes.

Alex kissed my exposed shoulder harshly and it made me wanna leave my body.

„What if I would join?", I heard Leah saying through my whimpers.

Alex stopped kissing me and lifted his head to look at Leah. I opened my eyes and looked at her too.

„You could have both of us.", she said seductively and took a step forward.

„Don't move!", Alex said and pointed the gun at her.

„Okay.", Leah responded. Her hands reached behind her back to open her zipper.
What is she doing?

She let the dress slip over her shoulders and down her body. Now she was in her black laced lingerie only. „I haven't had a man in a long while.", she kept on going.

Leah started walking again and Alex stopped her before she got too close. She was about three steps away from us.

„Stop.", Alex said.
„Why?", Leah answered and put her hand on her throat, then let it slide down to her breast slowly.

Alex grip on my hair loosened a little and he put his arm over my shoulder. I felt his hand on my breast and tried to move, but he pressed me closer to his body. He started kneading it, while Leah did the same to her's. I closed my eyes in pain again. He didn't physically hurt me. It was his touch alone that send pain through my whole body.

„You like that, huh?", I heard Leah's voice and opened my eyes again. One breast was exposed and she circled her nipple with her fingers.
Alex groaned into my ear. I feel beyond disgusted. But I was able to think again and by now I know Leah is trying to help. It couldn't be any other way.

Leah stepped closer.
„Touch me.", she said to Alex. „Come on, let me feel that manly strength on my body."
She bit her bottom lip and slipped her hand inside her panties.

I saw Alex touching her naked shoulder, but instead of grabbing her boobs as I expected him to, he pushed her towards me and pushed me into her body as well.

We bumped into each other and I turned my head with a painful look on my face. I felt Leah's touch on my cheeks as she tilted my head back towards her face. We looked into each others eyes. It was a very short moment, but her eyes told me that everything's going to be alright.

She kissed me softly and I relaxed a little. Alex brushed his hand over my back until he reached my ass. He started kneading it as Leah and I kept on kissing. I don't know how to feel. I'm scared and disgusted by Alex, at once at ease and slightly turned on by Leah.

Alex started kissing my neck causing me to whimper in discomfort at the feeling. Then Leah quickly grabbed his shirt and spun them both around so her back was facing me now and Alex was standing in front of her. He slid his hand on my neck and grabbed it hard, so I wouldn't be able to do anything.

The gun remained in his other hand. Leah kissed his neck and brushed her hands down his body. She started crouching down until her face was in front of his crotch. He pointed the gun at her head and smiled.

I knew what she was doing. She was provoking the moment he let his guard down.
„Alex.", I said, trying to get his attention, so he couldn't focus on the gun in his hands or see what Leah's doing exactly.

He looked into my eyes.
„I want you to fuck me first.", I said in a soft voice, trying not to sound scared.

I heard the click clacking of his belt being opened.
„You'd like that, huh?", he asked.
„Yes.", I whispered and looked down, then into his eyes again. This must be heaven for him.

Suddenly I heard him groan in shock, the clicking sound of the gun and fighting hands.

Then a shot teared up the silent air around us, followed by a second one, and Alex and Leah both broke down, while my ears started ringing painfully.

„LEAH!", I screamed and ran to her side.

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