66 - The Interview

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Jennifer's POV

„Hi Jennifer, good to see you."
„Good to see you too."

„It's been a while since we heard from you."
„It's been a tough time."

„We heard about that. Would you tell us about what happened with Alex Rodriguez?"
„I don't like to talk about it and I don't wanna get into details. But let's get this over with. Alex  threatened me with a gun."

„How did you feel?"
„Like I was gonna die."

„What happened then?"
„Leah tried to get the gun, there was wrangling between them, shots were fired. It was never her intention to..."

My voice cracked.

„Need a break?"
I inhaled deeply.
„No I'm good... Like I said, it was never her intention to harm him, she wanted to get the gun and it just happened."

„An accident."
„Right. And I'm deeply sorry and it's hard for me to... to live with that, you know? I used to love that man."

„I see. Speaking of love. You and Leah. This is the real deal?"
I looked at Leah and smiled.
„The real deal?", I laughed. „We're pretty serious, yes." I squeezed her hand.

„Rumor has it, she has moved in with you and the kids."
„That's true."

„How does that work out?"
„Pretty well, the kids love her too and that's so important to me. We're blending perfectly."

„So you're happy?"
That's a simple, yet tricky question. If I'll say I'm happy, people say I'm not suffering enough because of Alex' death, which is bullshit, because they don't know shit about me or what I went through. Even though Alex is the offender here, people don't know the whole truth and also would still say it's my fault after all.
„It was a process to get to that point again, after everything that happened. But I'm on a good path. What happened will always be part of my life and it will always stick with me.
Still, it's okay to be happy, and I am."

„What about your work, it's gotten pretty quiet. Are we getting new music or maybe a movie?"
„The last months I tried to find my way back to myself after this experience. It was traumatic for me and I had to heal first. I've recently got a script and I like it so... yeah, something's definitely coming. It just takes time."

„What about music?"
„I'm trying to take things very slow at the moment. You'll get new music, I just don't know when, yet."

„Good to hear, because we miss you around."
„That's good to hear too, thank you."

„Thank you for opening up about everything, that probably wasn't easy."
„That's true. Thanks for having me."

„I think we're done.", Lucas said and smiled.
„Yeah?", I asked, surprised how fast it was.
„Yes, we're not going to make it a huge thing, just around 2 double-pages. Ready for pictures?"

„Yes.", I said, got up and straightened my jumpsuit. We just took some natural pictures of me on my couch, smiling and some close ups to fit the theme of the interview.

Because of the nature of this interview, we decided to just do me alone, without Leah.

„When is it going to be in stores?", I asked Lucas after the shoot.

„In a week, I'll send you the full story when we're done, if you want to."

„That would be nice, thank you."

A few days later I had the story and was happy with everything Lucas wrote. Now I was anxious how people would react.

The night before release and I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling nauseous and anxious. I went into the bathroom to wash my face and was scared to see myself looking like a ghost.

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