24 - Wrong When You're Gone

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Leah's POV

I didn't reach out. Another two weeks passed. A whole month without Jennifer. I expected it to get easier, but it didn't.

She would try and call and send messages, apologizing. Sometimes, she got mad again, because I wasn't responding to anything.

‚Leah, you can't be serious. Please give me something.'

She kept it on the low but I could imagine her going insane over getting nothing.

I was about to order pizza when Lucas came home.

„I'm ordering pizza, want anything?", I asked him holding the phone between my cheek and my shoulder, while I looked through a magazine, sitting at the table.

He quickly walked over to me and snapped the phone away from me.

„Actually, I want to take you out."

I rolled my eyes. „I'm not in the mood."

„Come on, you've been miserable long enough! If you don't want to get back with her, at least live again!"

„Leave me be. I don't want to."

„I won't accept that. I'm taking you out. Hurry up. Go!"
He shoved me off the chair and into my room.

„Get dressed nicely. Wipe away that sad face for me, okay?"

I groaned at him and shut my door. Alright, maybe I need to carry on.

I picked a burgundy dress with black lace at it's sides, hugging my figure perfectly. Lucas said I should dress nicely so I thought I needed to dress so good that it made me forget how miserable I actually feel.

When I was done Lucas beamed at me

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When I was done Lucas beamed at me.

„For fucks sake, Leah. Who are you trying to seduce tonight?"

I laughed it off. „Okay crazyhead, where are you taking me?"

„You'll see, you'll see." He put one arm around me and we walked out.

Our cab stopped at a fancy restaurant. It had booths and there was a little stage where a man played the piano.
Quite sophisticated for Lucas' taste. But I appreciated the effort he made to cheer me up.

We had a pre course, a main course and after that dessert, all accompanied by beautiful
piano music. He was right, it feels good and it cheers me up.

„Ladies and gentlemen,", the pianist spoke in a deep voice. „Tonight we have a very special guest with us, and she's sharing one of her songs with us."

Sounds good. I smiled at Lucas.

„I'm honored to accompany her tonight. Please welcome the wonderful, Jennifer Lopez."

My heat dropped to my feet as she walked out.
She wore a white dress that was pretty much backless, making her look sexy and fragile at the same time. People were going nuts, applauding her.

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