25 - Tù

259 10 5

Leah's POV

She looked at me and I nodded. I was still a little in shock of everything that had happened. She really did that, for me.

Jennifer talked to the pianist while I was standing there, a little uncomfortable.

The pianist started to play and Jennifer began to sing.

„Me gustan esas pequeñas cosas
Cuando te encuentras conmigo a solas"

I practically melted at every single one of her words. She sang them directly to me, holding one of my hands with her's.

Everybody else was in awe too.
She earned another huge applause when she finished and another big hug from me.

„I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you!", I whispered into her ear while squeezing her.

She broke from the hug and looked me into my eyes, while she wrapped her arms around my neck, leaning slightly backwards.
„Take me home."

I smiled, took her hand and led her off the stage towards the exit.
„Oh wait, Lucas!", I said, spotting him.
„He'll be fine.", Jennifer replied knowingly.

Lucas gave me a thumbs up and I mouthed „I love you", which he mouthed back to me.

Jennifer's and my hands were intertwined when we stepped out into the spotlight, plenty of cameras aimed at us. We quickly got into her car and drove off to her apartment.

When we got there we dressed into something more comfortable and lied in bed. Jennifer was on her back and had one arm around me while I rested my head on her shoulder.

„Thank you.", she softly said, kissing my forehead.
„Thank you for doing this. I actually am really stubborn, huh?"
She chuckled.
„Good thing I'm relentless."

I tilted my head back to look at her.
„Yeah." I kissed her softly. „So that song... can you please explain what you were singing to me?"

Jennifer softly giggled, making my heart jump. I'm a sucker for her soft giggles.

„Me gustan esas pequeñas cosas
Cuando te encuentras conmigo a solas,
means something like I like those little things you do when we meet alone.."

I kissed her collarbone.
„Like those?"
„Mhmh..." She smiled and put her palm on my head.
„Keep going.."
„Y tengo tanto para decirte
En lo que quieras yo voy a seguirte means.. oh... I have so much to tell you.
I'll follow you to wherever you... want.. mh.."

The soft kisses I placed on her neck made her moan as she was speaking. I couldn't imagine anything more sexy. My beautiful girl, moaning under my touch, speaking spanish to me... I feel more than blessed right now. I pushed her shirt up and pulled it over her head.

„Keep going..", I asked as I kept on placing moist kisses on her skin, taking them a little further away from her neck now.

„No hablemos nada oye el silencio
Es el lenguaje de nuestros cuerpos means..
Let's not talk, listen to the silence, It's the language of our bod... mh god.. bodies.."

My mouth was attached to her breasts now.

„Y a veces pienso... mh.. que apareciste
Para mostrarme que el amor existe... uh..
Tú, todo... tú... Siempre... uh.. tú"

I roamed her nipples with my tongue, while one of my hands moved down her body.

„Means... uh, mami.."

Now I was the one moaning, her words send shivers through my spine.
I moved my kissed down to her stomach.

„It means.. And sometimes... mh.. sometimes I think you showed up to....ah.. to show me that love...exists"

I was in between her legs and tasting her again was pure heaven. Jennifer was whimpering and struggling, but she kept on going like I asked her to.

„You, ...all ... all of... holy.. shit.. you
always.. you.. Leah..!"

„You can stop, I've heard enough."
I smiled and kept on going.

Jennifer threw her head back moaning and biting her lip, visibly relieved that she could stop now.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her a little closer to me, while she moaned loudly and clenched the sheets with her hands under the touch of my tongue.

I love this woman so deeply.

Jennifer's POV

Right after she made me cum, I felt tears shooting into my eyes and I started crying.
I covered my face with my palms and sobbed, while my body was shook by my cries.

„Jennifer...", Leah came up to me and spoke softly.
I couldn't speak, I just cried. She pulled me onto her chest and held me close, caressing my head.
Leah didn't only make me release the tension I held in my body, but also the one I held emotionally. It seemed she brought that to the surface. Never have I loved anyone like her, except for maybe one time, and it took me some time to realize it with her.

„It's okay baby.", she spoke softly to me.
Hearing her voice so close to my ear made my blood pressure rise and the adrenaline rush through my veins again. I'm here again, in her arms. I took a shaky breath. All the pain and anxiety I held inside showed it's face now.

„Shh, I love you. I won't leave.", she kept on speaking, as if she knew what I was about.

I sobbed audibly and clawed my hand into her shoulder.

„Just.. don't do anything stupid, okay?", she said and it made me laugh a little in between cries.

„I won't, I promise!", I looked up to her and she gently wiped away my tears, then kissed me on the tip of my nose.

„I love you.", I whispered.
„I love you too."

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