36 - Dance With Me

198 11 16

Leah's POV

„Strong, isn't it?" I mean I drink sometimes, but Jennifer literally never does, except for maybe a sip of champagne, but very seldomly. And I found it to be very strong, but for her it must be insanely strong.

She took another sip.
„Yeah, but it's gooood.", she said stretching the last word.
Is she already tipsy?
We drank some more and I wasn't sure whether this is a good idea or not.

„Let's dance.", she said and grabbed my hand.
„Oh no no no, wait.", she waved one arm around and kicked her shoes off, before walking into the sand to dance.

She swayed her hips and moved her ass like.. uff. I could've just watched her all night.

I kicked my shoes off too and joined her. She started grinding her ass on me and I wish I could've just give it a nice little slap.

Jennifer drank half of her cocktail so far and she kept on drinking while she danced, while I decided not to drink anymore and order ourselves a glass of water.

„I'll be right back.", I said to her and walked over to the bar which was in visible sight, so I could still see her. After I ordered I turned around to see her twerking on some random guy. The guy just stood there, moving his hips very slow but skillfully, his gaze fixed at her ass mesmerized by it as she twerked on him.

The bartender handed me my glass and I walked over to her. Her glass was already empty and she had put it in the sand next to her, she was still twerking and the guy now had grabbed her hips to hold her closer to his... no ugh.

„Jennifer!", I hissed at her.
She looked up to me and I could tell she was wasted.
„Let's go home baby.", I spoke softly again.
„Noo-ahh, this is so much fun!", she complained.
„You're wasted, let's go."

They both kept on dancing. I put my hand on the guys chest, pushing him back gently.
„Enough.", I said to him and he walked.
„Leah, you're such a buzzkill!", she complained.
„Have some water."
She flickered her eyes at me.
„I'm not that drunk.", she lulled.
„Yes you are. Come on let's go home." I grabbed her arm because I wanted to leave before she got more drunk or before anyone realizes who she is. The dim light here was in our favor.

„No, I wanna stay!", she pouted. „One song! Dance with me!"
„And then we're leaving?"
„Yes baby."

She jumped, clapped her hands together and started dancing on me again.
We faced each other and she was grinding on me with her face just inches away from
mine. I've been holding back for so long now and she's kinda torturing me here. She smirked at me, she probably noticed me staring and trying to keep it together. Then she turned around and slowly grinded her ass on me again. Oh god.

I couldn't hold back so I grabbed her ass hard and gave it a little smack. That wiggle, oh my.
I bit my lip hard, as Jennifer bend down even more.
„Whoops.", she giggled, because she almost fell over but I held her by her hips. She came back up, tilted her head back and rested it on my shoulder. Her neck was stretched and exposed. Waves of her soft flowery scent touched my nose and my desire to finally love and make her moan again grew stronger.

„I want another one.", she said, swaying her hips from left to right while I had one palm on her lower belly and the other one on her hip.
„No way! We're going home now, you promised."

She turned around to face me again and giggled.
„Oh you wanna take me home?", she pouted playfully and twirled a strand of my hair around her fingers.
„Mhh, alright.", she smirked and we started walking. I had to steady her, because she couldn't walk straight anymore.

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