10 - Good Mornin'

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Leah's POV

It took me a while to fall asleep as I was trying to wrap my head around what just happened. Eventually I fell asleep at some point and when I woke up the next morning I still had my back turned towards her.

There was a weight on the side of my body and I quickly realized that Jennifer was spooning me and had wrapped her arm around me. Her soft breathing felt nice and somehow familiar on my neck. Her bare legs touched mine and shared their warmth with me while I could feel her chest move evenly on my back with each breath she took.

My heart started to race again and I had to ask myself if I was about to fall for her.
Not that I haven't already, but it's different  when it's a fan/celebrity situation. I always loved her, I always thought she's out of this world hot. But falling in love hits different.

I slowly put my hand on top of her hand and carefully brushed my thumb over it.
If that's even possible my heart started beating faster than before and a warm, yet weird feeling was spreading out from my stomach through my whole body. Like a little explosion.

Jennifer started moving and I took my hand off of hers.
„Mh.", she groaned into my neck, then lifted her arm and stretched. Then she let her arm sink on my body again. I wondered if she was aware of where she was.

„Mornin'", I said quietly.
„Oh.", she took her arm off of me and answered in a raspy voice: „Mornin'"

The touch of her breath while speaking sent shivers down my neck. Besides moving her arm from me she didn't do anything to create more space between us.

„Did you sleep well?", I asked her.
„Mhmh.", she muttered. „Can we just not talk for a while, please? I'm not a morning person."

I chuckled and stayed quiet while I hoped my irregular breathing wouldn't be noticed by her.
But I didn't mind staying like that a little while longer.

After a while I heard a light and very cute snore, followed by her shrugging. She must've woken herself up, snoring. I tried not to giggle.

„What time is it?", she asked in a raspy voice.
I checked my phone.

„Almost nine.", I said, reading 8:56 at the display.

She quickly sat up. „Shit! I wanted to bring the kids to school! Class starts at 9:15! I gotta go!"
She wanted to get out of bed but I held her by her arm. „Jennifer, it's a little late to do that now.", I said, stretching the „i" in „little" and turned on my other side to face her.

She sighed.
„So you might as well lie down again."
She turned around and looked at me.
„Shit.", she said and let herself fall on her back, right next to me.

„I thought you said the nanny knows?", I asked.
„She does but this was my free morning so I could've done it. I try to do it whenever I can.", she said and really sounded sorry.

She blew out air.
„I'm sure everything's fine.", I tried to soothe her down.
„I know. But still."

I put two fingers on her chin softly and made her head turn to face me.
„It's not the end of the world.", I smiled.
She smiled too. She still looked sleepy and I adored that natural and private side of her.

„I know.", she replied.
„So what now?", I asked.
„I still need to get up and go home. I gotta be at the event I was fitting for and before that I need to work out and my gla..."
„I meant you and Alex.", I interrupted.
„Oh." Jennifer pressed her lips together.
„I don't know. I don't wanna lose the family we have built. And I don't wanna hurt the kids."

„But that's not enough reason to stay in an unhappy relationship.", I said.

She sighed.

„What if I break up with him? The last time didn't went so well and I'm afraid that he will... I don't know.. not take it so well.", she said with a worried look on her face.

„Then make sure someone else besides the kids is in the house.", I said.

„I don't want anyone to know..", she replied.

„Your safety is worth more than anybody knowing, right? It's not your fault."

„I know.. When are you leaving?"

„Three days, then I need to work on the designs and reproduce the existing ones."

„Mh. I can't wait to see them."

I smiled at her.

We got up and she went into the bathroom to freshen up. I told her to use whatever she needs.

„You got all the JLo Beauty stuff, girl.", she said coming out of the bathroom.

I blushed. „I do."

„I could do my morning routine just like I do it at home.", she smiled. „Thank you."

„I love it.", I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

Her phone buzzed and she looked at it.

„My driver's here."

She walked to the door and I walked with her.

We hugged extra tight. When we dissolved she leaned in and kissed me softly on my cheek.
„Thank you, really. I don't know what I would've done without you."

„Anytime. If you need me, just call. And be safe.", I replied and she smiled and nodded.
„I will."

Then she left, leaving a faint scent that I inhaled deeply.

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