12 - On My Way

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Jennifer's POV

I woke up feeling movements behind me. It took me a minute to realize but then I noticed it was Alex, grinding on me. His dick was pressed against my ass and it made me sick to my stomach feeling him this way.

„Alex, what are you doing? Stop.", I mumbled.
„Baby, come on.", he said and kept on grinding. It didn't even seem to matter that I wasn't into it, in fact I told him once that rubbing himself on me like that, was more a turn-off than a turn-on.

I slipped away from his touch but he kept coming after me. I quickly got up.

„What's wrong with you lately? What about your apology? I'm trying to sleep here and you...", I said standing next to the bed.

„You know what? I... I'm really sorry. I wanted this to work. But I can't.", I continued.

„No.", he got up too and walked towards me.

„Yes. I want you to move out.", I said, feeling the strong need to get him out of here.

„Baby no. Can we talk about it?"

„There's nothing that would fix this. I don't want this anymore.", I turned to look at my phone. It was 4:32 in the morning.

Suddenly I felt his grip on me. He grabbed me and shoved me into a wall. I groaned on impact, then felt his hand tighten around my throat.

I gasped.
„You're not leaving!", he grunted at me.
The pressure from his hand on my throat was so hard, that I started running short on air.

„Alex!", I gasped, slapping his arm in front of me repeatedly and started panicking. He let go of me, grabbed me and threw me on the ground. I grunted and started taking deep breaths.

He was standing next to me, staring down at me.

„You're not going to leave, bitch."

„Or what?", I asked, looking at him.
I was scared, but I was also not gonna take anymore shit from him.

Suddenly I saw him kicking his leg back so I quickly covered my head between my arms. He kicked me in my stomach and I was out of breath for a moment. I gasped and yelled at him to stop while I lifted my knees to protect my stomach from him kicking me repeatedly.

„Stop! Alex!", I screamed. I don't know where this is going, if he will stop or do me worse.
„Stop!", I screamed as loud as I could.

He wouldn't, he was out of his mind, so I did what I never wanted to.

„Tashi! Ellaaa!", I screamed shrill and as loud as I could. Over and over again. He would never ever hurt the kids, especially not his own. But I knew it would stop him.

„Shut up!", Alex yelled at me, but at least he had stopped kicking me.

Finally the door opened and all of our kids where standing there.

„Mom!", Emme and Max yelled, running to my side throwing themselves on their knees.
„Dad...", Tashi whispered, while Ella came running to my side as well.

They never saw what he did to me but I think the image we were creating spoke for itself.

„Girls I...", Alex began to stutter.

Max and Emme went behind me to help me sit up, while Ella pulled on my arm to help.
I groaned in pain and held my hand on my rips.

„Leave!", I said with an angry and shaking voice.

„Baby, I...",

„LEAVE!", I screamed.

All of the kids started to cry as Alex left and Tashi came to my side too.

„I'm so sorry.", I apologized. „I'm sorry I called you."

„It's okay.", Tashi said quietly.

„Help me up, please?", I asked them.

They helped me stand up and I inhaled sharply at the pain I felt on my ribs.

I pressed my lips and eyes together and we walked to the bed.

„Do you need a doctor, mom?", Emme asked.

„No baby, I'm okay."

„Why did he do that?", Ella asked.

„He was angry at me.", I answered as I lied on my back and the kids all cuddled up at my side.

Tashi and Ella on my right and Emme and Max on my left.

„I'm gonna kill him.", Max said.

„Max! Don't say that.", I told him, although I thought it was adorable.

„Should we call someone?", Ella asked.

One name immediately popped up in my head.
And it was that name only. Leah.

„No.", I answered, squeezing them to my side. „I got you."

„Don't be mad at your dad, okay? He was afraid.", I begged them. I didn't wanted the girls to think their dad is an asshole, and at the same time I didn't wanted them to think there's an excuse for what he did.

„Why?", Emme asked.

„Because I told him that...", that wasn't easy and I knew they were all gonna be upset about it. „I told him that I can't be with him anymore. I'm sorry."

„No! Why?", Ella whined and all the kids started to tear up.

„It's complicated. We're not good for each other, anymore. But I promise we'll still see each other!"

Tashi sobbed.

„Now sleep. I'm okay. And you are too. I love you."

They all mumbled an „I love you too", and crawled under the sheets with me, sniffing their noses.

I enjoyed having them so close and after a while, I fell asleep soothed down by their soft breathing.

The next morning I was woken up by a knock on my door.
„Yes?", I asked.

Shandra, our nanny, peeked inside.

„There they are. Good morning.", she said. „Breakfast for the kids is ready, are they not going to school today?"

„They are going.", I answered, thinking it'll be better for them than to see me struggling.

„Emme, Max. Tashi, Ella. Wake up.", I whispered softly.

They woke up and I told them they needed to get ready for school. They all seemed sad, but I figured seeing their friends would cheer them up.

When they left the house, I got up and walked to the bathroom. I lifted my shirt to see what damage Alex had done. The skin on my rips had red and blue bruises.

I started crying and went back to bed. Then I decided to text Leah. She was the only one who knew and the only one I trusted in this.

Leah's POV

It was 8:45 in the morning when I got a message from Jennifer.

„Can you come over, please?" - was everything she wrote.

Maybe she was planning on breaking up with Alex and needed me to be there.
I got ready quickly, and as soon as I was in my Uber I texted her: „On my way."

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