56 - Forgive Me

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Jennifer's POV

It felt so good to be in that moment and enjoy the feeling. I was close to reaching my climax, when suddenly Marc stormed inside. The bathtub was standing free in the room and I was facing the door. I flinched, immediately let go of myself and covered my boobs with my arm while the water around me crashed against itself in little waves.

„Oh my god! Sorry sorry!", he turned around, covered his eyes and walked out blindly, bumping against the doorframe, while I yelled „Marc! What are you doing??"

„I heard noises and thought you're not okay in there.", he yelled back from outside.

„Can't you knock?"
Blood was rushing to my face and I was getting hot. Noises? Oh god.

„I did, but you didn't answer!", he yelled back.
I probably didn't hear him, being so in the moment with myself.

I sank a little deeper into the tub, clenched my teeth and closed my eyes. How embarrassing.

„Need a hand?", he asked jokingly while laughing a little.

I threw a plastic bottle of soap against the door. „Oh fuck you!" He knows I'm not that serious.

I heard Marc laughing outside the door.
„Would you leave??", I talked in a high voice.

„Okay okay. Have fun!"
„Shut up!"

I rolled my eyes, then let myself sink into the water completely and stayed until I needed to breathe again. No way I could finish what I started now.
I washed, got out and went downstairs because I was thirsty.

Marc was reading and looked up at me, smiling foolishly.
„Not a word!", I warned him.
He shrugged his shoulders.
„Means you're better?"
„Means not a word!", I hissed at him. I got myself water out of the fridge and calmed down. „Yeah, means I'm a little better."

„Sorry, again, didn't mean to interrupt you. Could you finish?", he smirked stupidly at his own question.
„Marc! God! Can we change the topic please?", I said after taking a sip out of the water bottle and sat down on the couch while Marc was vis-a-vis in an armchair.

„Okay so... let's talk about why you can't let Leah in anymore. Can we?"
I sighed. „I don't know. Maybe we'll just call it a night and talk about it tomorrow?"
„Okay.", I got up. „Goodnight Marc."

I walked upstairs and didn't need Marc there with me. He would come upstairs later and that was okay for me, as long as I'm not sleeping alone.

In bed my mind focused on Leah, so I decided to take a selfie and send it to her.
The way she ended our call just didn't feel right.

The way she ended our call just didn't feel right

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I captured it with „You're on my mind."

Leah's POV

My phone buzzed as soon as I turned it on in the morning and it was a message from Jennifer, which I opened instantly.

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