15 - A First

330 13 6

Leah's POV

It's been two days since I got home and I've been busy shipping orders. I feel like I worked 16 hours per day for the last two, but I was finally not behind anymore.

I sighed in relief and looked at my phone. It was 6:58 and I realized I was pretty hungry and should have dinner. Right at that moment, a text from Jennifer popped up on my display.

,Wanna go out for dinner? I'll pick you up at 8?,

I smiled.

‚I'll be ready.'

I ate a banana so I wouldn't starve, showered and got ready really quick. I knew she'd be a little late anyway, so I walked downstairs like 10 past 8. She was already waiting.

„Hi Jennifer!", I said getting into the car.
„Hi baby. You're late."
Baby. I'm not sure if I'll be getting used to her calling me that.
„I'm late because I thought you were gonna be.", I laughed.
„I'm early because I'm starving.", she chuckled.

She took me to another fancy restaurant and when we sat down and were finally alone I asked her how she is.

„I'm okay.", she smiled. „Statement is out, Alex is moving out, the kids are spending a lot of time with my mom and my cousin, so I spent the last two days just.. you know, getting back to myself more."

„Good. What about your bruises?"

„Changed their color to blue.", she replied. „Alex called and apologized."

„You picked up?", I asked, because I don't know where she finds the strength to.

„I had to. We still have a lot to talk about. Business and stuff."

„I don't know how you do it.", I said, admiring her.

We finished dinner and it was only 9:30. We both ate fast, because we were so hungry.

When we got outside, the paparazzi were snapping photos again.

When we were back in her car, she started fiddling around with her hands, seemingly nervous

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When we were back in her car, she started fiddling around with her hands, seemingly nervous.

We stopped at her apartment first. She looked at me.

„So, Leah, do you want to... come upstairs? We could.. watch a movie? It's still early.", she asked and shrugged her shoulders.

„Uhm, yeah sure. Why not.", I smiled and we got out and inside her apartment.

„Wanna change into something more comfortable?", she asked me and looked at my black leather skirt. „'Cause I'm gonna."
„Yeah, would be nice."

„Come.", she said and started walking. We ended up in her dressing room where she was looking for something for me.

I looked around and noticed a picture of her as Ramona in black and white.

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