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Jennifer's POV

Later that day we cooked pasta with veggies and beans and ate on the patio, while we watched the sun set over the ocean. Throughout dinner we exchanged loving looks and soft touches. It was perfect.

I felt ready to let her love me again. She waited for so long and I felt excited, nervous and tingly, just thinking about her touch.

We put the dishes back inside. „Wanna watch a movie?", Leah suggested.

I looked at her, shook my head and bit my bottom lip nervously.
„No? What do you wanna do?", Leah asked.
I walked to her and hugged her. My heart was beating out of my chest and I think she noticed that something was different.

She hugged me tight and inhaled shakily.
I started kissing her neck and trailed my mouth to her lips. We kissed for a while and my breathing was already heavy.

„You sure?", Leah asked out of breath too.
„I am.", I whispered and with that, Leah grabbed my ass and picked me up, making me laugh.
I straddled my legs around her waist and she carried me to the bedroom, while we were exchanging hungry kisses.

She put me down gently and I slowly lied on my back, my gaze glued to her eyes. My heart was pumping fast and I couldn't wait for her touch. I hoped it would feel as good as I imagined it to be. Leah crawled on top of me and started placing moist kisses down my neck and my collarbone. I moaned and dug my fingers into her wavy hair.

She slowly opened the belt of the kimono I was wearing over my bikini, then brushed if off my stomach to expose my skin. Her kisses went further down my body and she also pushed my bikini top to the side. Her lips felt heavenly on me and soon enough she started sucking on my nipples gently.

I groaned, arched my back and bit my bottom lip. It felt as good as I imagined it to be.

„Leah..", I moaned her name and she stopped what she was doing. I didn't intended her to.
„Are you okay?", she immediately asked and looked at me.
„More than." A light smile appeared on my face.

Leah smiled back at me and put her lips on mine while she brushed the kimono over my arms and opened the knots of my bikini top, leaving me just in my bottoms. I was wet and ready.

Leah kissed my cheeks, my neck, lingered on my boobs a little longer, then trailed her kisses down my stomach.
This is it. My whole body felt tense, but in a good, exciting way.

Leah stopped at the hem of my bikini bottom and dug her fingers into my hips while she lovingly looked between my legs as I watched her. She placed a soft kiss on my clit, opened the knots on the sides of my bikini bottom, then pulled it out under my ass. I could feel the warmth of her breath between my legs. She lowered her face even more and a soft moan escaped my mouth before she even touched me.

Oh god, oh my god, she's about to...
A moist kiss was placed on my clit, followed by the soft touch of her tongue.
„Oh my god..", I whispered breathless.
Leah straddled my legs a little more to give her better access. She held my inner thighs with her hands, gently squeezing them from time to time.

Her tongue danced on my pussy, leaving me almost out of my mind. I forgot what happened, I forgot the pain and just bloomed under her loving touch. A heavenly feeling and one I now know I've badly missed over the past few weeks.

Leah started sucking my clit and a tug rushed through my body. My body tensed up.
„Uh, mhh, Leah, god...", I moaned out and grabbed the sheets beside me while arching my back.
It was a feeling almost too hard to endure and I wasn't sure if I could take it, because it was just overwhelming.

Leah stopped sucking and started licking over my whole pussy, then she sucked again and that brought me a so far unknown, extremely strong sensation. My legs were shaking, my whole body was shaking as I whimpered and squirmed beneath her.

„Oh gooood, uhh...", I moaned and came on her mouth while Leah licked a little softer, helping me ride it out. She trailed her kisses up my body again while I was still panting and whimpering little „uh"s. Leah covered my mouth with her lips, giving me a taste of myself.

I grabbed her hair and pulled her back a little, so that I could look into her eyes. I giggled softly and she did too.
„I love you.", I said and tucked hair behind her ear.
„I love you too.", she smiled and leaned down to kiss me again.

While she was giving me head, she never entered me. Nor with her fingers or her tongue.
And I loved her for that. But now that I was comfortable I wanted her to.

I softly yanked her hair back again.
„I want you inside.", I whispered.
Leah immediately started kissing my neck while I got her out of her clothes in between. The warmth of her body on mine was so satisfying and I could feel her wetness on my thigh. One of her hands trailed down my body and stopped between my legs, where she spread my juices all over.

She looked into my eyes and I nodded softly, so she entered me with one finger. I inhaled, tilted my head back and closed my eyes. Leah added another finger, earning louder moans from me.

„How's that?", she asked me.
„Good.", I moaned.
„Yes?", Leah asked a little more teasingly.
„Mhmh.", I muttered. „Keep going... uh.."

Still I had the feeling that she was holding back. I wanted her deep, I wanted her everything.
„Deeper, please!", I begged.
„Like that?", she asked and pushed a little deeper, sending chills down my spine.
„Fuck.. yes... don't.. don't hold back.", I moaned out.

Leah curled her fingers inside me while her thumb circled my clit. Her lips covered my breasts in sweet kisses and little sucks. I pressed my thigh against her hip, while my
other leg moved upwards, rubbing against her dripping pussy. Leah moaned against my nipple, making it harder than it already was.
I signaled her to use my leg by gently pushing it against her.

She got the hint and started grinding on me.

I was close but I wanted her to cum too, so I moved my hand between her legs and pushed two fingers inside her, for her to ride.

„Jennifer...", she moaned. I love when she says my name.
Meanwhile she had me moaning everytime she  moved her fingers inside me, so basically non-stop.

„I'm close...", I panted between moans.
„Cum...", Leah said and curled her fingers inside of me again. With that, I released myself on her while I felt her walls squeezing my fingers. She rode it out and broke down on top of me, sweaty and panting.

I pulled my fingers out and licked them clean, so she could be more comfortable on top of me. Once I did that I wrapped my arms around her and held her really tight. Our breathing bodies rose and fell concurrently and we felt like one loving organism, inseparably bonded to each other.

A weird feeling built up inside of me and although I was already down from my high, my breathing got heavier again. I felt shaky and emotional. Tears came shooting in and I pressed Leah even closer to me.

Leah pulled her fingers out immediately as she noticed what was going on.

She lifted her head to look at me.
„Baby did I hurt you? What's going on?"
„Noo.", I whined out and sobbed.
„Did I do something wrong?", she seemed so worried.
I took a shaky breath. „No. Not at all."
„Oh so... oh love...", she narrowed her eyebrows and had a sorry look on her face. I inhaled deeply to get enough air, because my chest felt a little tight, then I let it all out sobbing.

She hugged me back very tight and flipped us to the side so that we would both lie on our sides, facing each other but our bodies were actually interlaced with each other and she held me close while I cried into her chest.
Her irregular breathing and a slight dampness on top of my head let me know that she was crying too.

No words were spoken. We both knew and she just held me tight in her arms.

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