47 - You're Good

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Jennifer's POV

Leah moved and I felt a wave of relief inside me.
„Leah, oh my god!" I grabbed her shoulders and helped her sit. She had blood on her chest, her hand, her stomach and a little smear of blood on her face.

„Is any of that blood yours?", I asked her, looking for a wound. Leah looked down on herself and shook her head.

I helped Leah up and started touching her everywhere, like I wanted to make sure she's not broken or wounded somewhere, while I whispered: „You're good. You're good." as tears were running down my cheeks. „Oh my god, you're good..." My voice finally cracked and I fell into her arms sobbing. I was so scared she got hurt in any way and cried tears of pure relief knowing she wasn't, knowing I didn't loose her tonight.

„I'm good.", she said. „Are you?"
„Yes.", I whispered shakily and broke the hug.

I looked over to Alex. He was lying on his back, breathing fitfully. His stomach and his chest were drenched in blood. He coughed and spit blood out.

„Don't look.", Leah said to me and made me turn my head with her hand, then she guided it to lay on her shoulder, away from Alex.

Another shot teared up the air around us and I flinched, while Leah pressed my head closer on her shoulder. Alex had stopped breathing and coughing, so the silence around us was now only interrupted by mine and Leah's breathing.

I felt Leah's other arm around me and the hardness of the gun on my middle back. I started crying again and she tried to comfort me by stroking my head and my hair repeatedly.

He's dead. It's over. I felt relief.
But then another feeling grew inside me. Fear. Leah shot him. What will happen to her?
Guilt. Tashi and Ella. Oh god, these poor babies.
Shame, anxiety, panic. The world will know. I will be judged.

„Leah.", I whispered. „We have to get rid of the body.."
„What?", she asked me in disbelief. „No! Stop channeling your inner Harlee, we're calling this in. He attacked us!"

„I'm scared.", I said.
„I know. I'm too. It's going to be fine."
„How do you know?"
„Because I know these things that's why. Come on."

She let go of my head while her other hand remained on my back, guiding me to a chair
while she grabbed her phone.
She put the gun on the table and her hand on my head again, pressing it to her side, where there's no blood.

„Hello, this is Leah Remini. I just shot and killed an intruder at my girlfriend's house."

She kept talking then she hung up.
„They'll be here in a few.", she said to me.
Leah crouched down in front of me.
„Are you okay?"
I shrugged my shoulders, then I said „Yes.. and no. Let me get you a bathrobe."

We both walked into the bathroom and I helped her put on the bathrobe.

Soon enough, the bell rang and my place was filled with police and first responders.

They asked us what happened and we told them the truth. Leah extended it a bit by saying Alex attempted to get up and attack us again when she fired the third shot. I confirmed her story.

First responders checked us quickly, especially
Leah as they say sometimes adrenaline prevents one from feeling a wound, even one from a gun. Luckily, she really was fine.

Alex was transported outside in a body bag on a strecher. We threw some clothes into bags and I called one of my assistants, gave her a quick recap of what happened, asking her to send a driver as well as cleaning personell and to pack everything else personal in my apartment. I never want to set foot in that apartment ever again. I also told her to call Benny so he'd be prepared of what's coming.

Arriving at Leah's apartment, I send her to the bathroom to take a shower immediately.
„Do you need me there?", I asked her.
„No, I'm okay.", she smiled and kissed me softly. I sat down at the table, let my head sink into my arms and started crying again.
Alex is dead. I used to love him, we used to be a family. Sure he provoked his own faith, but still it was hard to wrap my head around how we turned out.

Tashi and Ella will hate me. These poor girls just lost their father and they'll be informed any minute. I couldn't possibly tell them over the phone.

I felt a soft touch on my shoulder, while still sobbing.
I recognized Lucas' voice and looked up. He looked like he's been out, partying.

I buried my head into my arms again and kept on sobbing. Lucas sat down next to me and slowly rubbed my back.

Then he gasped. „Jennifer! Is that blood? Are you alright?"
„Not mine.", I sobbed out.
„Leah's?", he asked even more shocked.
I shook my head no.

„Oh god girl, what happened?"
I lifted my head again and looked at him.
„I..", I inhaled heavily „I.. can't.." I gasped for air trying to talk, but I couldn't.
My throat felt tight and I thought I can't breathe anymore. I inhaled but no air was getting into my lungs.

Lucas realized what happened and got up, lifted me on my feet and walked me to a window which he opened. He stood behind me, put his hands on my shoulders and pushed them back a little.
I tried but it was hard. Lucas put one hand on my stomach. „I want you to bring that air down here, okay?"
I nodded and it worked. His touch made my body feel itself again. After my breathing got better I turned around and let my head sink.

Lucas took me into his embrace so I rested my forehead and my hands on his chest.

„Hey..", I heard Leah's voice.
„What's going on? Are you okay?", Lucas whispered to Leah.
„I'm fine."

Leah stood beside us and rubbed my back.
„You wanna shower, baby?"

I took a deep breath and nodded. A shower would help.
„Thank you.", I whispered to Lucas and lifted my head again. He gently touched my cheek and nodded.

Then Leah guided me to the bathroom.
„Will you be okay in there?"
I nodded.
„Leave the door a little open, just in case, okay?", Leah asked me.
„Okay.", I whispered.

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