21 - Mercy

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Jennifer's POV

The doorbell rang, and I knew it was Leah. I told the kids before that she'd be staying for a couple of nights.

When I opened up I was greeted by her flashing a big smile, pulling me into a firm hug.
„I've missed you!", she whispered in my ear.

I missed her too, badly. And right here, in that moment, I realized I'm in love with her. Maybe I knew it before, deep down, but now, holding her, it broke to the surface.

I cupped her face and looked into her brown eyes as my eyes filled up with tears.
„Hey, what's up?", Leah looked at me, holding me by my hips.

I frowned and looked down, trying not to cry. The guilt inside of me was eating me alive.
„I just... I missed you.", I whispered with a trembling voice.
She put two fingers on my chin, lifting it up.

Then she quickly pecked me on my lips.
„Is anyone here?"

„There's always someone here.", I sighed.
„The kids are in their rooms and my chef is preparing dinner for us. Other than that... I don't know to be honest. Gardeners, cleaning staff..."

„Okay okay, I get it, never alone."

We walked inside and upstairs. I could feel her gaze at my ass as I swung my hips walking up the stairs.
She put her suitcase down in the guestroom and I sat on the bed, watching her.

Leah closed the door and walked over to me, standing between my legs. I looked up to her.
„Leah, I need to.." I had to tell her, I just have to be honest. I can't walk around with that guilt and I can't build a relationship with her if she doesn't know the truth. And I didn't want her to find out any other way.

But she put one finger on my lips and silenced me. „Shh, don't talk."

She leaned in to kiss me and soon enough I was leaning on my elbows, lowering myself more and more onto the mattress. Her kisses wiped every thought in my mind away.
She made me forget what I had done and I reveled in her presence. We crawled in the middle of the bed while making out. Feeling her touch was as thrilling as the first times.

My skin felt sensitive and was covered in goosebumps when she slid her hand under my shirt. I couldn't wait to feel her naked skin on mine, I yearned for her soft touch and for her inside of me.

She pinned my hands over my head and I smiled, loving how she takes control.

Then I heard something clicking. My wrists were surrounded by something hard and cold and my arms stretched over my head. I looked up and saw myself cuffed to the wooden headboard. How did she even do that so fast?

I felt a strong tug between my legs and heat building up.

„You're at my mercy, now.", she spoke in her husky voice and smirked at me.

I felt shaky, consumed by desire. She pushed my shirt up and unclipped my bra, cupping my breasts, burying her face between them until she proceeded to roam her tongue around my nipples, while I squirmed under her.

I liked being cuffed, but it felt like torture not being able to touch her.

„Leah..", I panted out. „Leah! Let me.. oh god..", she took her kisses down my belly. „Let me touch you. Uh, fuck..", she pulled my pants down slowly, kissing the skin she exposed.
„Please!", I panted.

„No.", she bluntly said, pulling my pants and panties off my legs. Then she pushed them apart.
„So wet..", she said, her gaze fixed between my legs while she bit her bottom lip.
A soft moan escaped my mouth. She could do that to me, only by talking.
She undressed herself until she was only in her lingerie.

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