49 - What Happened?

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Jennifer's POV

I was standing in the shower and washed myself. The water was pouring down on my skin and covered it in wet and pleasant warmth. I looked down and saw blood mixing up with water, swirling around until it disappeared in the drain. I stayed calm and kept on washing. It will come off eventually.

I rubbed my skin with more pressure, but the blood didn't get any less. I rubbed more and more and started panicking. It doesn't wash off. The floor was red and my feet were standing in the water-blood mixture.
I rubbed frantically and whimpered in panic.

„Jennifer!", I heard Leah's voice and quickly sat upright, panting.
I looked at myself, dressed, sitting in the plane's bed. My eyes wandered to Leah fast.
She reached out to touch me but I flinched away.
„It's me. You're fine.", she said while I still looked around and slowly realized that it was a nightmare.

She touched me again and I didn't fight her when she pulled me into her arms. Her arms surrounded my chest and my head that rested on her chest and I felt safe there. Her soft breasts felt like a cozy cushion and I sighed because I felt good there.

Shortly after we landed and drove to our rental, which was incredibly beautiful.

The kids checked their rooms and we slowly arrived, checking everything out.

„A good place to heal.", Leah smiled at me.
„It is.", I replied.

We stayed outside for the rest of the day, and enjoyed the scenery. The kids played together in the pool and the garden and we watched and laughed together.

It was a beautiful day and it helped me get my mind off of things. We all went to bed early.

„Want a massage?", Leah asked me when we were in bed, about to sleep.
I had just put lotion on my hands and rubbed it in. „That sounds nice.", I smiled at her.

„Take your shirt off.", she said and smiled back.
I did and saw Leah's eyes jump to my breasts immediately.
„Okay, now lie down.", she said, shifting her focus to my eyes again.
I lied on my stomach and Leah sat on top of me. She put oil on my back and started kneading it gently.

„Wow, I didn't know you're that good at it.", I mumbled into my cushion.
„Just one of my many hidden talents."

Her massage was so incredibly soothing that I relaxed so much and fell asleep at some point.

Leah's POV

The next morning I woke up first and saw Jennifer sleeping peacefully. She had her hair fixed in a bun, but some strands fell out over night, now gently contouring her cheeks.
I brushed my fingers over her cheek carefully to tuck her hair behind her ear, so I can admire that beautiful face of hers.

The ends of her mouth began to curl upwards slightly, and a sweet smile settled on her face.

„Are you awake?", I whispered, not a hundred percent sure if she was.

"Mhmh", she hummed, still wearing that pretty smile.

„Did you sleep well?", I asked.
„Mhmh.", she hummed again. „Stop talking.", she then added muttering.

I scooched closer to her, turned around and cuddled up against her, so that she was spooning me. I grabbed her arm from behind and put it around me.

Jennifer kissed my neck, making me shiver slightly. Her soft breathing on my neck made me feel at ease and at home. I nodded off again.

We spend the days as we had planned them to. Healing. We could just be in solitude out here, enjoying each others company, enjoying time with the kids. We grew closer and closer and Max and Emme warmed up to me even more.

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