04 - Fitting

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Jennifer's POV

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room.
Alex ran after me.
„Baby, stop."
„Papi, come on, we've discussed this like a million times, I'm tired!"

Alex wanted to try for a baby, while I wasn't into it at all. I love babies but I'm 49 with teenage twins and that was enough. He insisted on looking into surrogate moms but I didn't like the idea.

„Benny!", I yelled. He's gotta be here somewhere.
„Yes?", he came running.
„What's on my plate today?"
„Fitting at 1, Leah Remini at 2.", he said.
„That's a little tight, don't you think?"
„It is.."
„Can you ask her to come like an hour later?", I asked him.
„Sure, I'll try."

Alex was still by my side.
„It's 12, do you think we'll have some time to..?", he spoke in my ear quietly.
„Seriously, that's all you can think of?"
„All the time baby..", he spoke into my neck, pushed my hair to the side and kissed it.
He knows how much I'm into that.
„Mhh... okay."

We got upstairs for a quickie which was nice but.. I felt like he was into his pleasure more than mine lately, so I was often left unsatisfied.

I was in the middle of my fitting when Benny came inside.
„I couldn't reach Leah, she's here, sorry."

„Bring her in.", I said to him.
„Uhm... okay.", Benny said and walked out.

Leah's POV

I was inside Jennifer's house and I found that alone was well worth the trip. It was incredibly beautiful.
Benny came back. „She's still fitting, but you can come.", he said.
„What like... while she's fitting?", I asked astonished.
„Seems like it.", Benny shrugged his shoulders.

I bet she's used to tons of people being around while she's doing that, but to me it seemed crazy. I got inside and there she was, wearing a wonderful yellow gown. I placed my stuff on a chair and Benny showed me a power outlet to charge my phone, because I explained to him why I didn't got his calls.

„Hello..", I then said quietly, intimidated by the whole situation.
„Oh, hi Leah.", she smiled at me. „I'm trying some gowns for a red carpet event. Do you have some of your jewelry with you?"

I always do. As I said, I'm never unprepared, expect for my battery that died on my way here. „I do..", I said with a dry throat.

„Come here, show me.", she said and her hand waved for me to come closer.

I showed her some of my stuff and she picked out a necklace and matching earrings she liked. Everyone around here seemed busy, was watching her or going through the gowns.

„But this dress, I don't know. What do you say?", she asked me.
She nodded.
„It's the prettiest dress I've ever seen.", I said, just because the whole situation was overwhelming, again.

„I don't know about the yellow.", Jennifer said. „It would be good if I was tanned, but I'm not right now... I think I'll go with something else. What else do we got?", she asked into the room and some people started moving.

„I like the yellow.", I said quietly.
„Yeah, you're tanned enough for that. I really like your skin tone.", she complimented me.
„Thank you.", I blushed.

„Wanna try it on?", she asked.
She smiled.
„Come on try it! If you want to."
I guess this was a once in a lifetime chance and I'd be crazy to miss it. It was so beautiful and probably worth more than I make in months.

Two people came to get Jennifer out of the dress until she was just in her underwear. I tried not to look too intensely, but it was really hard not to look at her perfectly toned body.

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