62 - You're So Good To Me

232 8 14

Jennifer's POV

We spend the day at home, watched movies, ate good food and cuddled. All of us. Emme, Max, Leah and I. It was beautiful. Lucas left before lunch.

The next day we all slept in and woke up late. Marc would be coming around 3 so we could spend some time together before dinner.

Until then, we just relaxed and later got ready.

When the bell rang it was opened by some
of my staff and Marc came inside. It's the first time we're seeing each other since Hawaii.

„Hi mama.", he said and kissed my cheek.
„Hi papi.", I replied.
„How are you?", he asked.
„I'm great, thank you.", I said squeezing his arm.
„Good to hear. Where are my babies?"
„In the living room with Leah."

Marc started walking. „Marc, wait.", I said and he turned around. „Leah's moving in."
„Wow.", he said with an astonished look on his face. „Good for you."

He turned around and went to the living room, while I was standing there a few seconds longer, then walked too.

Leah and Marc seemed to get along good so far, though she still wasn't fond of him, but she did her best and I appreciate that.

I went to the bathroom and when I came back, Marc was in the hall and just hung up his phone. He stopped me with his hand on my arm when I wanted to walk past him.

„We need to talk.", he said.
„'Bout what?", I frowned.
„Hawaii, I can't get it off my mind."
Oh please no. Not now.
Not ever.

„You have to. Marc.. it was nothing."
„It meant nothing to you?", he asked and I looked around nervously, because I was afraid Leah would hear.

I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the bathroom.
„Stop it, please. I love Leah, you know that. Marc.. you and I, we had our time, okay? It didn't work."
„Maybe it would mami. Imagine us.. the kids..."

I sighed. I knew what he meant, mom and dad, the twins, a happy family.
Leah's my family now.

„I just... it's on my mind so much and I think it means something."
„But baby, it's not on mine. I'm sorry if I made you think that there is something."

I put my palm on his cheek and looked at him.
„It wasn't my intention at all. You caught me off guard."
„Caught you off guard?", he repeated.
„Yes.", I let his cheek go.

The moment he was talking about replayed in my head. Marc was about to leave and I would leave later that day. We were standing at the door and before he opened it, he turned around. I thanked him for everything and we shared a long, comforting hug. When we dissolved he looked into my eyes and leaned in, closer to my lips. I didn't stop him and his lips touched mine for a kiss. He moved his lips on mine and ultimately, I replied. I remember my eyebrows being deeply furrowed while kissing his lips, and after three seconds I put my hands on his chest, pushed him back and let my head sink and lean against his chin. Marc kissed my forehead as I exhaled and whispered „No" to him.

I know Marc wouldn't do such a thing as to tell her, still I was afraid that three seconds of confusion would cost me her. Technically we were on a break, but well. Not a discussion I wanna repeat and this time I knew it was just wrong because my plan was to get back to Leah. Plus she wasn't on good terms with him, for obvious reasons.

„Listen.", I went on. „You'll get over me. You've got your girl. We're always gonna be parents to our babies. But please don't.. don't bring this up again. I can not lose Leah.", I kinda whispered all of that and put my palm on his chest.

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