58 - Let's Go Home

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Jennifer's POV

We spend the next day at home again. Word has gotten out that I'm in New York and paps would line up outside Leah's house.

Leah worked while I snuggled up in bed, watching her. She did that thing where she puts the tip of her pinkie finger between her teeth and slowly slides her tongue along the tip.

One time while she did that, she turned her head and smiled at me.
„You know how sexy you are, don't you?", I smiled and bit my bottom lip.
„Am I?", Leah asked and raised a brow.
„Mhmh.", I hummed.

Leah got off her chair and walked over with a little catwalk stride.
„Oh my god.", I said stunned. She's hella sexy.
I turned on my back and leaned on my cubits, watching her walk, then crawl on the bed and on top of me. She stopped inches away from
my face. I tilted my head back a little and exhaled. Leah kissed my exposed neck, making me shudder, leaving my skin with goosebumps.

I tilted my head back so she could kiss my lips. I felt tingly, excited.. also nervous.
Leah kissed me softly but I let her know soon, that I want more. I want her closer, deeper. I want her to touch my soul.

So I started using my tongue. Carefully, not rushing. I'll take my time. She responded with her tongue and a little moan slipped out of my mouth. I was so aroused that I wanted to push her on top of me, make her do me faster. Impatient. In need.

Also, I enjoyed the slowness, having to be patient, taking time to discover, explore, feel.
Don't rush yourself. Don't rush yourself.

I spread my legs a little wider and Leah lowered herself a little more. I'm hungry for her and I let her know by kissing her more passionately and pulling her closer to me.

Leah's breathing got shaky. I don't know if out of excitement or fear of doing something wrong. Maybe both.

„Leah...", I whispered and she lifted her head up from my neck, she was just busy with, to look at me. „It's okay. I'll tell you to stop if it's not.... I want you."

She closed her eyes and furrowed her brows, looking like she's about to cry. She opened them again and nodded. Then she put her lips on mine, grabbed the hem of my shirt and pushed it up slowly. She only let go of my lips to pull my shirt over my head, leaving me
in my bra and my sweatpants. I did the same to her and let my hands roam over her naked back and sides. Her skin felt incredibly soft under my palms and I quickly unclipped her bra to feel more of her softness.

Leah put her hand behind my back and lifted me up to sit, then she unclipped my bra too. She softly brushed it over my arms and left a trail of goosebumps where her fingers brushed over my arms. Then she lowered her head to kiss my nipple which was rewarded with a soft moan by me. I put my hand on her head, softly grabbed her hair and guided her back up to my mouth again.

Feeling her lips on me was everything. She made me lie down again to get me out of my pants. I watched her as she did. She was so dedicated that it looked like she's making art, just pulling my pants down. Slowly. The feeling of my panties being pulled out between my legs and the soft touch of her hands brushing over my thighs made me arch my back.

Now I'm fully undressed and she's on her knees beside me, my legs are bend, my knees are touching while one of her hands is on one of my knees, gently stroking up my thigh just to find it's way back to my knee. We keep eye contact the whole time. Then she sits up and pulls her pants and panties down.

After that she went down to my feet and tilted her head to the side to catch a glimpse of what's between my legs. She smiled, she must have gotten quite the view.

Leah put her hands on my knees and pushed my legs apart. Again, with caution, gently and loving. A flutter of fear rushed through my body, but was put to ease when I looked into her face again. She must've noticed a change in my face. Leah held out her hand for me to take. I took it and she pulled me up to sit. She arranged herself between my legs, with her legs under mine, our bodies comfortably close to each other.

She cupped my face and trailed her hands along the sides of it, until she reached my chin. That was when she lifted it up a little to kiss me. I kissed her back and put my arms around her, holding on to her shoulders or to her neck at times.

When she reached between my legs I made a noise. It was a mixture between a groan and an „ugh", followed by a loud exhale.
„Is that okay?", she asked.
„Yes, keep going.", I assured her. It wasn't a groan of fear, it was one of memories, good and bad. And also one of pure lust.

She got a little closer, my thighs were on hers and they were also touching her hips.
When she entered me, I was kissing her neck, but needed to stop in order to cope with the feeling. I tilted my head down a little, and pressed the side of my head against her cheek, then tilted it up and slightly back, breathing, coping, breathing, coping.
It was sensational. I tilted my head to the side, away from her face, and rested it on her shoulder while my body moved with hers like we're dancing. I was entirely hers, fully taken into her soul, while she was breaking through mine.

I engulfed and lovingly crushed her inside of me. When she made me cum, I turned my head back to her side and buried my face into her neck, moaning, whimpering. My hand was clenched in her wavy hair and my body was trembling. I've missed the sensation she'd bring me.

When I was done I was still breathing heavy into her neck, then lifted it, let out a light laugh and kissed her.
„I love you.", I whispered against her lips.
„I love you too.", she said and brushed hair away from my forehead, while we locked eyes. We kissed and I moaned softly. It couldn't have been more perfect and to be honest, I didn't expected it to be.

The next day when we left for the airport, we had to fight our way through paps, who'd be still harassing me. I was already inside the car when Leah turned around to face them.
„Leave her the fuck alone, can you? She's human, give her break god damnit!" She didn't yell at them, but surely made her point.

She turned back around and got inside the car.
„Baby you don't have to..."
„Yes I do!", she said, still speaking loud. „Look at those vultures, treating you like that! Fuck no! I can't stand them anymore!"
„Okay...", I said quietly, surprised by her outburst.
She exhaled angrily and looked out the window.
„Hey.", I tilted her head towards me with two fingers on her chin. „We're going home. You, me, the kids. Christmas season. Happy times."
I smiled at her and raised my brows expectantly. „Come on, gimme a kiss."

She chuckled at that one and leaned in to kiss me. „Good.", I said when she leaned back. „Are you okay?"
„I am..", she replied. „It just makes me mad how they are, you know. I feel like they don't even see you as a human being. How do you do it? How are you not angry at times?"
I sighed.
„I learned not to be. I learned to not listen or let it get too close to me. I've been there and it was no good. I know who I am now and most of the time, I don't get bothered from the things they say anymore."
„Most of the time?"
„Mh", I smiled. „Like you said, I'm still human."

She pulled me into her embrace, held me close and rubbed my back.
„I'm so sorry they do this to you."
„Don't be.", I said, but also it felt good that she acknowledged and saw me in this.

„We're here, ladies.", my driver said.
I got out of her embrace and put my palm on her cheek. „Let's go home.", I said and Leah nodded.

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