60 - Thank You

170 9 3

Leah's POV

We showered and I slowly let my hands roam over her whole body, just admiring it's strength and beauty. She also explored my body with her hands and sometimes we'd just hold each other. It was beautiful, sensual, but didn't lead to more as we both don't want it to. My touch was nothing but loving and caring, my hands  absorbing every inch of her skin to record and celebrate her.

The following days were simply beautiful. We spend a lot of time cuddling, laughing, blending as a family. I love spending time with her kids and they love me too, I feel.

Still she'd avoid the hall and the bathroom but said she wanted to work on that before Christmas. Nightmares didn't happen these days.

„Let's do it.", she said one day as we were having a late breakfast, kids already in school.
„Do what?", I asked confused and swallowed my cereals.
„Go there. You know."
„Oh... are you sure?", I appreciated that she wanted to work on that, but I was also afraid how she'd feel it if that ultimately would lead to a step back rather than one forward.
She nodded. „Yes. I'm sure." There was a uncertainty in her voice but a determined and serious look on her face.

„Okay. Come on." I walked over to where she was sitting and held my hand out for her to take, like I'm asking her for a dance. She placed her hand in mine and got up. Before we started walking I pulled her into an uplifting hug, at least I hoped it would do that for her.

We dissolved and started walking while I had one arm around her shoulders and she had both of her arms wrapped around my waist.

The hall didn't seem to be a big problem for her. We stopped in front of the bathroom door.
„Are you okay?", I asked her.
She inhaled deep through her nose, then exhaled fast through her mouth.
„I'm ready.", she answered.
So she wasn't okay, but I didn't expected her to be. What counts was her will to face her fear.

I opened the door and pushed it wide open, so we could look. Jennifer's arms tightened around me, then she started to walk little steps into the bathroom. I noticed that she didn't step on the rug. In the middle of the room, she let go of me and turned around a few times, eyeing everything precisely.

„That rug needs to go.", she said.

I walked to the window and opened it. Then I kneeled down in front of the rug and started rolling it in, then lifted it up, walked to the window and threw it out.

I heard Jennifer laugh a little. I expected many noises from her in here, a laugh was definitely not one of them. A sob followed the laugh and I walked over to hug her. I left the window open because I thought fresh air would help.

„How do you feel?", I asked her.
„Better than I thought.", she whispered.
I put my hand on the back of her head, pulled it to lean on my shoulder and caressed it softly. Jennifer leaned back and looked me into my eyes.
„Would it be weird if I asked you to kiss me?", she said. I wasn't sure what to think about that to be honest, but if she thinks it's good for her then I'd do anything she asks me to.

I put my palm on her cheek and caressed it with my thumb, then got close to her lips and kissed her softly. I could sense a change in her posture, like she's becoming somewhat taller, confident.

She kissed me back softly and while I kept it on the low, her kisses became more demanding. She cupped my face, broke free from my lips and rested her forehead on mine.
„Thank you.", she whispered.
„Not for that, baby. I'd do anything to help you."

She looked into my eyes, then kissed me again.
„Let's get out.", she said.

So far, so good.
She seemed okay for the rest of the day and if she wasn't, she didn't tell.

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