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Leah's POV

She did an amazing job and answered every question with dignity while being funny and kind.

After she was done, she went backstage again and although I could've stayed for the whole show, I wanted to be with her. Being near her was all I wanted. My feelings for her scared me, because they already ran deeper than I'd like them to. I had no idea what we are for her or how she felt. She liked me, I knew that, but other than that was I just a distraction, or did she do it out of curiosity, or was it possible that there's more?

A lot of people were around her and I just sat there and watched them while flashing little smiles at Jennifer, everytime our gazes met.

Watching felt kind of exhausting, I couldn't imagine being her. But she took it with grace and ease, like she always does.

Jennifer's POV

I liked the little smiles she flashed me from time to time. Thinking of what she did to me earlier, I started feeling aroused again.

I wanted more. And I wanted her. She'd done me two times by now and she'd seen all of me. I wanted to see all of her too. It scared me a little though, because I had no idea how to please a woman. Sure I knew how to please myself, but that's me and I know what I like. And what if, against all my expectations, I wouldn't like it?

We got into my car and I pressed a button to lift the wall between the back and the front of the car.

Leah looked at me raising a brow, then I sat on her lap and straddled my waist around her. She smirked at me, pushed my dress up a little and started kneading my ass.

„That ass is.. exquisite.", she said in her low and husky voice. I started grinding on her slowly.
„Oh.. hello...", Leah said, kneading my ass a little harder which made me whimper.

My heart pounded heavily thinking of the next words I'm gonna say to her. I leaned closer and whispered into her ear.
„I wanna fuck you."

I could see her gulping. She trailed one of her hands to my front, slipping into my panties and immediately shoved two fingers inside me, making me gasp.

„Don't stop.", she said.
„What?", I asked confused.
„Grind, Jennifer.", she demanded and squeezed my ass hard.

Her dominant nature made me feel like I never have before. It was thrilling.
I obeyed and started riding her fingers, while holding on to the backrest.

„You want to fuck me?", she asked while I was whimpering on top of her.
I nodded and whispered: „I do."
I couldn't help myself, it felt like I was being sucked into something completely different from what I know.

„Say it again."
„I wanna fuck you.", I repeated, surprised by my own boldness.

Leah curled her fingers inside me and made me cum, again.

„You can soon.", she whispered into my ear, while I had my face buried into her neck, to muffle my moans.

This side of her was new to me, but I found it exciting and so different from what I expected. Even though I feel like I know her well, I actually don't really know her.

The car stopped and she licked her fingers clean, then she grabbed my waist and lifted me off of her. I was still panting. She softly held my jaw and kissed me. My heartbeat was still up and her kiss didn't do anything but made it speed up even more.

„I'll see you soon.", she smiled at me.

She got out and closed the door, leaving me behind aroused and confused, with a heart that was beating so fast for a reason, I wasn't yet sure of.

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