43 - Don't Let Her Go

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Jennifer's POV

„Let's go somewhere else. Please?", I asked her.

I led her to the room where I took the picture earlier. We walked fast and as soon as we got inside, I slammed the door shut and yelled at her.
„Why are you making such a scene in front of everyone?"

„You kissed your ex!", she yelled back. „I was on my way to surprise you, to comfort you and stuck in traffic I saw you fucking kiss him in front of millions of people! How you think that feels?"

I understood. Still it was nothing to me.

„Leah, it meant nothing!" I snapped my hand through the air, underlining my point.
„That doesn't make it any better for me! You know what's going through my mind right now?"

I shook my head while she kept on ranting.
„Was there more? What happened when I wasn't there? Did she fall back in love with him? Did they..."

„Don't dare to say that!", I gritted through my teeth and raised my index finger at her.
„Would it be so absurd?"
„Yes!", I yelled. „It would! That would mean I'd be stupid enough to lose you again! Do I look that stupid to you?"
Leah furrowed her brows and pouted a little, but said nothing.

„Leah! Do I look dumb enough to risk what we have?"
She looked down and shook her head.
„Good.", I said loud, but more softly.

I walked a step towards her, so I'm standing closer to her now. The reason she acted that way, was because she's scared. Because I fucked around once and that hurt her. I get why she was that way, although I still think she was acting out of her way, talking to me like that in front of my friends. But I let her slip. She's wonderful. She came here to surprise me and what she saw hurt her. I understand.

I let my hand brush over her's softly, then gently held it. My other hand went up so I could put two fingers under her chin, lifting it up.

She looked into my eyes.
„I love you. You're here.", I said in the sweetest tone. Leah finally smiled her pretty smile at me. It was a little smile, but it was enough for me to let me know she's calmed down.
„Can I kiss you, please?"
Leah closed her eyes and nodded.

I got closer to her face and our lips slightly touched. My body immediately reacted by sending butterflies through my whole stomach.
I held her hand a little tighter and moved my lips even closer until they were drawn to each other like magnets. Leah put one hand on my lower back, pulling me closer to her.

The feeling of our bodies bumping into each other made me shudder.
„I missed you.", I whispered against her lips.
„I missed you too. I'm sorry.", Leah whispered back.

We kept on kissing and soon, soft kisses turned into more demanding ones.
„You look so hot.", Leah whispered between kisses and I chuckled.
„Let me fuck you.", she said.

As soon as those words left her voluptuous lips, I was hooked. My body tensed up and a strong need for her touch grew between my legs.
„Here?", I asked, already breathless.

Leah pushed my hand backwards like she was leading a dance, telling me to walk in her desired direction. I followed her lead and walked backwards until I bumped into a wall which caused me to groan a little.

She pushed my already short dress up and brushed her fingers over my thighs and my panties, meanwhile her hand that was holding mine guided it over my head and pressed it against the wall. Her other hand had reached my stomach and then one of my boobs, which she squeezed gently, earning a moan from me.

She slid my body down and reached between my legs again. I put one leg up and rested it on her hips, to give her better access.

Leah smirked, pushed my panties to the side and groaned when she felt how wet I was.

„You really missed me, didn't you?", she smirked.
I bit my lip and nodded. Leah entered me and I moaned a little louder, while tilting my head back, letting it bump on the wall slightly.

My back's crashing into the wall repeatedly as my body is moving up and down caused by the movements of her fingers.

She kept her word and fucked me so good that I came on her fingers, whimpering in a high tone. I buried my head into her neck to muffle my moans while she let go of my hand over my head and held my back to steady me as I dug my nails into the fabric of her dress on her shoulder.

„Don't ruin my dress.", she spoke quietly, so I let go of her dress to hold on to her neck instead.

I chuckled into her neck softly, while Leah rubbed my back, then slid her fingers out of me, causing me to grab her neck a little harder again. She broke the hug to lick her fingers clean and I put my panties back in place. Then I leaned back on the wall and smiled at her.

„I'm so happy you're here.", I said and traced my fingers along her jawline softly.

Leah leaned in to kiss me.
„I'm happy I came, I've missed you so much."
„We should get back out there."
Leah nodded. „Just one more kiss.", she said and kissed me passionately, making all the butterflies go crazy again.
„Wow.", I whispered when our lips parted.

We walked back out to the group, they were still standing there talking, only Stevie was missing.

I stood next to Marc and Leah stood next to me.
„Hey, you're back.", Marc smiled at us.
I nudged Leah's side and she sighed.
„Marc... sorry for cursing at you.", she said, sounding slightly forced.
He waved his hand down. „Eh, nevermind. Don't let her go ever, you'll regret it for the rest of your life.", he said in such a light manner, while addressing such a heavy topic and it hurt my heart a little.

Leah wrapped her hand around my waist and pulled me closer. „I won't."
I turned my head to look at her and got lost in her dark eyes. She kissed me and it seems like the world came to a hold for a moment.

„You made up!", I heard Stevie's voice and broke the kiss to look at him.
„We did.", I smiled at Leah.

„More than, huh?", Marc said, grabbing a strand of hair from the back of my head and layed it flat again.
Oh my. I blushed and chuckled softly while I felt Leah's grip tighten a little on my waist. She's not a fan of Marc. Understandably.

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